The"P" in LC&P....


Active Member
Apr 16, 2005
Brownsville, TX
Okay….Here’s what I’ve been working on for the last several months…..It’s the yard at Portales – one of the two main yards that will handle traffic to and from the layout to staging, and to several customers both here and in Las Cruces (yet to be built).

This is what I started with, which was the first building “module” I worked on. You can see the staging tracks underneath. They’re mounted to a sliding “shelf” for easy access, and each track is indexed to the staging lead. I have yet to make them into their full size.


This is what it's turned into...




These are views looking "North" and "South"





Now for a little closer look...

The engine house....The only "new" structure...It's a Muir model I built...It will eventually have interiors (the roof is removable). The rest are from my previous layout. All structures are lit as well...




The water tank....Still needs to be detailed...


The oil depot..



The yard office...


Freight station...



And the trains doing their thing...



I still have LOTS of detailing to do...but "major" building and scenicking are done....:mrgreen:

Hope you enjoy…and all comments and suggestions are most welcome…. :wave:
great looking scene! What is the origin of the 2-8-2?

Your layout's really looking good, Gus. :thumb::thumb: Have you posted a trackplan somewhere that I've missed? I also like your staging yard on rollers - my original layout plan, before I lost about a third of my layout room, was going to include a similar set-up for staging. I like the arid scenery, too, and that Chinese Mike looks right at home.

Thanks for your comments, guys....The 2-8-2 is a Spectrum Chinese Mike. Runs great, but won't ever make the climb to the mine in the background. Just too light on its feet...

I'll be concentrating on adding shrubery and a good dose of junk laying around....
WOW!:eeki: , SLAP AWESOME GUS!!:bravo:

Does this mean we'll be seeing shots of your layout more often? :mrgreen: .

M-azing work gus! thats magazine worthy right there :thumb: and if all those structures are lighted lets see a night shot!--josh
Thanks to everyone...Makes all the work, cussin' & swearin' worthwhile. :thumb:

Wayne..I did post a plan waayyy back, but I couldn't find it. So here it is again....The Portales yard is at the top of the drawing. A couple of tracks have been added since I drew this. Like everyone else, I just couldn't leave well enough alone....:cry: The center peninsula is not built yet.

I forgot to mention....The turntable is an Atlas TT that was "Pitted". You can't tell unless you really look hard....

The night shots are going to have to wait...The lights are in place but the power isn't. That sounds like a good weekend project....:mrgreen:


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excellent work Gus---I've been dreaming of finishing my "layout",so this thread is very inspirational---last week Doctor Wayne was at my house and we discussed a few ideas regarding some opportunities for my train room :rolleyes:---with a tutor like Wayne,things are looking good---now if only work didn't get in the way,we'd be making progress wall1---anyway,we're getting there---Nutbar
id never seen that trackplan before gus it looks great,much beyond my capabilities as a track layer :) and cant wait to see those structures with the lights on :thumb: --josh
I had been going to ask about the 2-8-2 as well. Didn't even recognize it without the typical Chinese decoration, but the tender with handrails makes it blindingly obvious. Then I can look at the front end and say, yes, that is an SY.
Thanks CN, Bigsteel and all....If there's one thing I really enjoy about building a layout, it's the carpentry side of it, as well as track laying. One thing I learned from previous layouts is that really good track work is ESSENTIAL to a trouble-free railroad. Nothing spoils a train-running evening more than having to re-rail cars/engines that wandered off the tracks. :curse: So I made it a point for this layout to have as nearly perfect trackwork as possible. Although it may be more "prototypical" for a branch line in the middle of nowhere to have trackwork of dubious quality with crooks and kinks all over the place, I went for reliability and made sure everything is as "perfect" as my meager abilities allowed. I can say that I have not had ONE incident that can be attributed to the trackwork. Turnouts thrown the wrong way...yes, a few....:eek:
And it's not difficult to achieve this...just make sure that your roadbed is FLAT..I use cork so I sand it with a long block to remove any humps and "valleys", and I solder track joints together where kinks are likely to develop (curves and grade changes) before laying it down. I use a yard-long straight edge to make sure the track doesn't wander along, and glue it ALL down with clear latex caulk. Works like a charm...

Anyone can do this...just takes a little longer, but it's worth every minute, hour, day that you put into it. :thumb:

I'll try to get some power to the lights in my buildings this weekend, and hopefully get some "night" shots. How I'm gonna do this with a digital camera is yet to be seen....:mrgreen:

Anybody have any ideas how to do this..?
Wow faaanntastic. I see you are using Peco switches you are a smart man. I wish I had done that. It looks too real, now you need some men in a shade some where with a barrel of water.