The light at the end of the tunnel

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Light? What light?

The light is definitely OUT!!!! We have all stood aroud talking about it, but the light has NOT been seen for at least 2 weeks. October the 29th to be exact. Not a single glimmer since.

Now I ask you, are we now going to try to get it turned back on? How do we do that since the source has never been determined? Or did I miss that?:rolleyes::rolleyes:

The light is definitely OUT!!!! We have all stood aroud talking about it, but the light has NOT been seen for at least 2 weeks. October the 29th to be exact. Not a single glimmer since.

Now I ask you, are we now going to try to get it turned back on? How do we do that since the source has never been determined? Or did I miss that?:rolleyes::rolleyes:


That is because you are standing in the wrong tunnel. I can still see it just fine. :excited1:
Yes. In a few billion years all the lights in the universe will go out, one by one. Eventually, the one in the tunnel will too...until the next Big Bang resurrects it again. :mrgreen:
Awww come on now don't be like that. The information in the entry has references. You just have to follow them to the source. :mrgreen:

Which incidentally will take you right to the light at the end of the tunnel.

Why did I know you were going to say that? :mrgreen:

Meanwhile, I looked up "tunnels, light at end of" on Wikipedia and it said: " a fignewton of the imagination caused by overwork, emotional distress or abuse of alcohol or prescriptive drugs. See also - scotomas."

So I edited it to include more alcohol and less drugs, and switched the "see also" reference to hemorrhoids. sign1
Light? Light?

Anybody that still sees that light has got to be living in the past. I checked again, and the last time seen here was Oct 29.
If I'm in the wrong tunnel, why isn't there a light at the end of this one? Does every tunnel have water and elevators in them? Are you sure it isn't the elevator going horizontal and the tunnel up and down? Does the light have to be electrical? It could be a flame of a torch carried by some lost soul that got lost and has been wandering around for ages? Oh, the wonder of it all, this not knowing. How terrifying if it is a mutation of .............. I dare not even think of it, much less say it aloud

Oh, Woe
Anybody that still sees that light has got to be living in the past. I checked again, and the last time seen here was Oct 29.
If I'm in the wrong tunnel, why isn't there a light at the end of this one? Does every tunnel have water and elevators in them? Are you sure it isn't the elevator going horizontal and the tunnel up and down? Does the light have to be electrical? It could be a flame of a torch carried by some lost soul that got lost and has been wandering around for ages? Oh, the wonder of it all, this not knowing. How terrifying if it is a mutation of .............. I dare not even think of it, much less say it aloud

Oh, Woe

Actually, we didn't want to tell you this, but the tunnel actually houses the Hadron Accelerator. If that little speck of light suddenly starts to move really, REALLY fast, you might want to be somewhere else.

The Myagi Defense is still the best.

Myagi defense...not be there.
Meanwhile, I looked up "tunnels, light at end of" on Wikipedia and it said: " a fignewton of the imagination caused by overwork, emotional distress or abuse of alcohol or prescriptive drugs. See also - scotomas."

So I edited it to include more alcohol and less drugs, and switched the "see also" reference to hemorrhoids. sign1

If you remember that is what my shrink told me. So I guess he was right this whole thing is a figment of my imagination. this thread is not real the guage is not real all of you who participated in this are not real. NO WAIT A MINUTE! If this is true and I participated in this as I am doing now, then I must not be :rippedoff: Does this mean that I am a figment of my imagination. And if that is true then my imagination would be a figment of my imagination. this is starting to sound bad. Could someone help me here. I think I just talked myself out of existance. can't be Les if I don't exist
I think Les is more. :)

Yopu mean more than his shrink thinks but Les than he should be? Or Les than we believe but more than he does?

Does this hurt all over more than anywhere else, or does it feel more like it used than it did?

I close my eyes...let there be...LIGHT!! Yep - it's back on! :thumb:
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