The Building of the Galactic Fleet

Haven't done much on the Geminon Traveler in the past few days, but did get these 3 additions on the rear of the ship. Going to work on the left & right engines & mounts next.View attachment 148694


It's looking pretty good. Sometimes when some of the joined edges come apart just add some extra glue and use a pair of tweezers to squeeze together or a fine metal point like a nail.

When posting sometimes I accidentally have the comment inside of the (quote) box too. Just put your comments outside of the last (quote). Also, I received a pdo copy of the basestar from Rhaven the other day. It looks good. Looking forward to building it.

Sky Seeker

It's looking pretty good. Sometimes when some of the joined edges come apart just add some extra glue and use a pair of tweezers to squeeze together or a fine metal point like a nail.

When posting sometimes I accidentally have the comment inside of the (quote) box too. Just put your comments outside of the last (quote). Also, I received a pdo copy of the basestar from Rhaven the other day. It looks good. Looking forward to building it.

Sky Seeker
In my defense, I didn't see that busted joint till after I'd already posted the pic. It is much smaller in real life. ;) Thanks for the advice though. :) Also, I don't know what I tapped, to mess up my response to your last message. After I typed it, I wondered where the message went. I was having some technical difficulties that evening. Usually things go much smoother. It's just been that kind of week! :(
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Chad, anytime someone can post a picture that close, and it looks that good, well, you now are one of the official sources of greebling answers!! Excellent!! :)
In my defense, I didn't see that busted joint till after I'd already posted the pic. It is much smaller in real life. ;) Thanks for the advice though. :) Also, I don't know what I tapped, to mess up my response to your last message. After I typed it, I wondered where the message went. I was having some technical difficulties that evening. Usually things go much smoother. It's just been that kind of week! :(

NO worries there. We all have days like that. Also, sometimes when taking pictures the flash or the resolution or both let you see something that when you're holding in your hand you can't see. I think that it's in the nature of the optics or perspective.

One more thing I like what you've done on the edging of your greebling.

Take care and thanks always for sharing.

Sky Seeker
I didn't notice the "popped" corner either, always use a 90 degree strip on the inside of those kinds of pats, especially with paper that thick, because if you don't score it on the back side almost to the point of rremoval, there is a lot of return force on the paper. Slicking the backside breaks the paper matrix, and removes that problem. Easy fix though. :)
Chad, anytime someone can post a picture that close, and it looks that good, well, you now are one of the official sources of greebling answers!! Excellent!! :)
Well....I don't know about that my friend, but thanks! I really appreciate that. :) I am just a lowly Padawan learner, lots of trial & error, experimenting, & good advice & tips from my fellow zealot friends. ;)

NO worries there. We all have days like that. Also, sometimes when taking pictures the flash or the resolution or both let you see something that when you're holding in your hand you can't see. I think that it's in the nature of the optics or perspective.

One more thing I like what you've done on the edging of your greebling.

Take care and thanks always for sharing.

Sky Seeker
Thanks Skyseeker, I've been using different color Sharpie markers to color the edges of my joints & greebles. So far, it's worked pretty good for most of my builds. :)
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Also mounted the upper engine. I'm going to save the tiny thrusters that attach to the rear of the engines for the very last of the build, for all 3 engines. In the background is my previous attempt at the Geminon Traveler, now "decommissioned" for greebling parts.image.jpgimage.jpg
You are doing a really good job with this. I am getting some really good ideas for when I am able to build this model.
This thread will serve as a good build guide for others (like myself) who are looking at building this model.
I am looking forward to seeing how this model will turn out.
You are doing a really good job with this. I am getting some really good ideas for when I am able to build this model.
This thread will serve as a good build guide for others (like myself) who are looking at building this model.
I am looking forward to seeing how this model will turn out.
Thanks Rhaven Blaack, I deeply appreciate the compliment. :) I've been kind of figuring this one out as I go. It's mostly straightforward, but there are a few details I've scratched my head over. I do hope my build pics can help others out, & I hope I'm getting it right. I've made a lot of mistakes on it, even with the rebuild, mostly with the bow section. Hoping to wrap it up in the next few days, so I can move on with the next model. :)
Does anyone know of any paper ship models that have been designed from the Farscape TV series? Particularly Moya, the living ship? I haven't found any in my searches so far, but that would be an awesome ship to see designed & to be able to build it. Just wondering. :)
I absolutely loved that show. It is one of the most under watched and underrated shows I believe, That would be a very hard ship to model because of the compound curves, water forming would be a must, with a robust frame made first. Aeryn's ship wouldn't be that hard, as the shuttles would probably be not to bad, and the Peacekeeper Behemoths!!

Incidentally, this last bit of greebling is fantastic!
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@Chadepotts1273 Like I said, you are doing a REALLY GOOD JOB! The fact that you are learning from your mistakes as well as from other members here. One of the reasons why I build a model two (or more) times is to learn how the model works and what kind of greebles (if any) that I can add on. Not only that but I also allow myself to play with new ideas and techniques. I would like to encourage you to do the same.
Also mounted the upper engine. I'm going to save the tiny thrusters that attach to the rear of the engines for the very last of the build, for all 3 engines. In the background is my previous attempt at the Geminon Traveler, now "decommissioned" for greebling parts.View attachment 148788View attachment 148789

This is turning out really well. So much for the "rag tag" fleet - this is AWESOME!!! Looking forward to seeing it hanging from the ceiling.:) You're just getting better and better.

Sky Seeker
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Thanks Zathros,Rhaven Blaack & Skyseeker , I really appreciate the support!:) I have the Original series Cylon Basestar printed & ready to assemble, but I was kind of thinking of building Revell-Fan's Colonial Mover's ship next. I would like to add some color to the fleet, so far it looks so black & gray. The Geminon Traveler will add a little color when it's finished, but the Colonial Mover's I think would really do so. I have it printed & ready to go too. Any thoughts?
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Thanks Zathros,Rhaven Blaack & Skyseeker , I really appreciate the support!:) I have the Original series Cylon Basestar printed & ready to assemble, but I was kind of thinking of building Revell-Fan's Colonial Mover's ship next. I would like to add some color to the fleet, so far it looks so black & gray. The Geminon Traveler will add a little color when it's finished, but the Colonial Mover's I think would really do so. I have it printed & ready to go too. Any thoughts?


Speaking from experience working in gray scale for a while now, I would recommend working on the Colonial Mover. One day I hope to see the world in color again. Ahh shades of grey... I'll never look at storm clouds the same way ever again!

Sky Seeker
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Speaking from experience working in gray scale for a while now, I would recommend working on the Colonial Mover. One day I hope to see the world in color again. Ahh shades of grey... I'll never look at storm clouds the same way ever again!

Sky Seeker
Lol! Hang in there Skyseeker, it'll get brighter! I guess its Colonial Mover's then! :)
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