"THE" Bachmann Shay



Hey guys, word is this is what the Bachmann 0n30 Shay will actually look like.:D


Don't know about you guys ,but I definately like it.
Pete,as I understand it list will be about $175.00 but expect street price closer to $100.00. It is supposed to be out in October.
I got ahold of the hobby shop yesterday, and ordered one of the shays. I figure getting an order in now should result in a lower price when they do come out. I saved over $100.00 each on the Alleghenys because I ordered preproduction.
Pete,I just dumped a $100. 00 bill on PECO 0n30 track and a pair of turnouts.

I think like you though I'm gonna pre-order at least one Shay.

Word is on the On30 Consiracy that this little cutie is gonna bring 0n30 right up to the top of the narrow gauge lists.

I would expect kits to convert it to 0n3 will show up about the time the lokie does.:D