Thank God it's the weekend.


New Member
Jun 25, 2005
Finaly,it's here the weekend of the fourth,after 72 hours of work in the place closest to hell,that would be the open pit mine that I work in,I get to relax,.
Lets see,I planed on working on the layout today and tommorow,but that will not come into play,insted ,I hung 8 mini blinds for the neighbor,then the cabnit delivery came for the kitchen,guess what I'm doing tommorow?well it aint railroadin thats for sure.I thought this was a holiday weekend?You know relax,throw back a couple of long necks look at your accomplishments of your lay out,.Not in this house,oh no,we have to hang cabnits in the art studio insted.So much for railroading,then again theres always next week.
Have a great 4th.and enjoy your holiday...
Mike{aka boomboom}
Don't feel so bad, I flew in last night, had to run the cothes to the quicky cleaners, fell asleep in the recliner. tomorrow I have to get out and mow the yard, trim the trees, clean the gutters, ect. Monday is spent filling out the paperwork from last week, packing and going to bed early so i can get up and catch a 6am flight tuesday morning back to work.

What's a holiday? I'll be in bed before the fireworks go off!
July 4, that independence day for you lot in the US, Right?.

well tell the boss just that, OH, and then DUCK....LOL..if you dont you well see the fireworks mate`s..... have a good one..steve
I've been working my tail off to help prepare for the Stadium of Fire. (Huge fireworks show here) The show was last night, huge success! Anywho, found out that Monday I will be moving. Not the way I wanted to spend my fourth. Sorry you won't get to enjoy the celebrations and I hope that you will be able to find some time for yourself.
