Taylor Yard

Gary Pfeil

Active Member
May 7, 2001
Boonton NJ
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Not a particularly good shot, but thought I'd post it anyway. Handheld with just room lights. I was taking photos of something else and liked the way the trains looked in the yard as they were left at the end of the last operating session. M&E #18 has just arrived with interchange cars. The JGL switcher is dragging out a string of cars bound for the M&E. The pink foam is where the fueling/sanding etc. will be, with turntable to the left. For now, the approach tracks hold waiting power.


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Thanks everybody. Brakie, good eyes! Yes, its'a 2-8-2, by Athearn. I replaced the tender with the one by Bachmann. Added advantage is additional pick ups. Cut the umbilical cord Athearn uses and spliced in the leads from the Bachmann connectors. Fit a soundtrax N scale decoder and 1" round speaker in it, but sound is tinny. And of course it pulls little as is pretty much well known about these locos. So it sees little use but sure does look good. Detailed as an Erie, hence the tender. John Galt Line is from the novel "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand. If you don't know it from that, then perhaps from another model rr, I know of at least two others, one was brought to my attention a couple years ago here at the Gauge, the other was mentioned 20 or more years ago in an article in MRC by Al Westerfield, I assume the same fellow who offers the resin kits now. He didn't back then, the article was about bridges. His road was the JGL. I remember it well because I was bummed out that someone else had the same idea! Here is another photo which shows it better.
Jon, that diesel is a Stewart VO1000, a sweet running loco. When bought undecorated, you have the option of several types of exhaust stacks. You get four short and four tall stacks, some prototypes used one or two stacks. Of course my freelance line had to use four tall ones, just because it's so unusual.


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Gary,I would have never guessed that is a Athearn 2-8-2..You did a fantastic detail job on the front of that engine..She looks business like..I think the Vandy tender really looks good behind that 2-8-2. :thumb: It's sad that Athearn didn't add the weight and a bigger motor so that engine could pull better..:(
Thanks Shamus. Brakie, I wish I could take credit for thta detailing, but I had it done by Blake Tatar. Robin, one more steam shot for you.


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