Switching Layouts


New Member
Oct 4, 2004
Any suggestions on where I could look for plans for switching layouts? I'm thinking 2' deep by 8-12' long +/-.

I find it better to design as you build when it comes to industrial switching layouts.
You see by placing your industrial buildings or their foot print(or mock up) you can easily design the track to the industries location.That way there is no second guessing if a given building will work where you would like to place it. :D This saves undo rework by having to relocate the track. :thumb: .
Try http://groups.yahoo.com/group/small-layout-design/ look on the homepage and you will find two additional sister groups - we had to open these because our files pages ran out of space! Yes, you will need to join all three groups to see all the files, but all it will cost you is time. Have a good poke around, and feel free to join in the discussions, which, by the way, ONLY take place on the main site. When you get to files, have a look in Shortliners Folder, there are a good few in there
Shortliner(Jack)moderating away in the Highlands
Thanks for pointing me to this Yahoo group --- this is exactly what I was looking for to get some ideas and advice to work wit.
No problem, mate! - that's what we are there for!
Shortliner(Jack)away up here in the Highlands
i got my plan froma book at the library(spelling i know ) , wish i could think of the book, it is a great plan but i am in canada and the layout is at a friends in michigan so i cannot look at the plan, i photo copied it. softcover book i think put by Model railroader or some one. it was great...
Thanks Stuart. I'm in Oakville, so I'll try out our local libraries (you had the spelling correct BTW :D ) and see what they have in terms of MRR reference books.

It also just dawned on me that Kalmbach has a book on small layouts that came out within the past 2 years and it might very well have what I'm looking for.
i got this one of of thor trains. it looks like its close to to big, it being 2 x 10.

it needs:

(33) Atlas 9.0 in straight

(4) Atlas R-22 22.5° curve

(7) Atlas #50 R-18 left-hand turnout

(4) Atlas #51 R-18 right-hand turnout

(1) Atlas R-18 15° curve

(13) Atlas #43 track bumper

(1) Atlas 2.50 in straight

(4) Atlas R-18 30° curve

(1) Atlas 3.0 in straight

(1) Atlas custom radius curve

(3) Atlas 6.0 in straight

(1) Atlas R-22 cut curve

(1) Atlas R-18 10° curve Total of 74 items
There is a guy called Mike(?) Fischer(sp) who has a website full of small space designs - I thought I had it bookmarked, but can't find it. Anybody have the address for me and BigDonnie?
Shortliner(Jack)away up here in the Highlands