Steam AT-ST


Active Member
Jan 6, 2009
Hi everybody,
I'd like to show you this crazy machine, well known AT-ST with alternative source of power... :D

That is a FANTASTIC model! I like the concept of a "STEAMPUNK" AT-ST!
Like everyone has said, IT DOES NOT LOOK LIKE PAPER AT ALL!!!
:thumb::thumb:KUDOS TO YOU ON A FINE JOB WELL DONE!!!:thumb::thumb:
Thanks boys, I'm glad you like it! It's free model from site, (closed now?) , with added details and airbrushed. I've used "hairspray technique" which is well known by plastic modellers to create rusty chipped details, it's very easy, but little-bit risky on paper model. Anyway, I'm quite happy with the final result. :wave:
Holy frak, this is awesome! I love steam punk models. You have done a terrific job on this! All we need now is a bad-ass steam punk AT-AT!