STAR TREK TOS 50th anniversary set


The last picture looks familiar.

04.jpg 05.jpg 06.jpg 07.jpg 08.jpg
These look good! That is a really cool collection. I should try my hand at it. Although, I know that when I do, one of my daughters will claim the set for herself. :cool:
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Reactions: blake7
Nice collection!!! These are such classics. Well done. Keep the pets away. My dog ate the lifeboat off of one of my ships. The cat (one of them) knocked it off the ship. I found the remnants on the lawn mixed in with you know what. The boat held up well, but couldn't possibly hold water. I just mowed over it, and nature reclaimed it. These look really good! :)
Nice collection!!! These are such classics. Well done. Keep the pets away. My dog ate the lifeboat off of one of my ships. The cat (one of them) knocked it off the ship. I found the remnants on the lawn mixed in with you know what. The boat held up well, but couldn't possibly hold water. I just mowed over it, and nature reclaimed it. These look really good! :)

Z - you give a new meaning to the concept of mulching and composting!;) Another unfortunate use for cardstock models! :hide: Don't tell the wife...:wink::triplets:;)

Sky Seeker
Z - you give a new meaning to the concept of mulching and composting!;) Another unfortunate use for cardstock models! :hide: Don't tell the wife...:wink::triplets:;)

Sky Seeker
That is a good way to get rid of the old models that you want to replace with newer ones that you have improved when you have rebuilt them. :cool::smoker::sticktongue:
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That is a good way to get rid of the old models that you want to replace with newer ones that you have improved when you have rebuilt them. :cool::smoker::sticktongue:

I'm sure that Leonardo DaVinci thought the same thing when he did his work. Of course that's assuming he didn't burn it, chop it up into little pieces, or just reuse the canvas for another piece of work.

Of course you could also make a video of the ship sinking in water or burning up in atmosphere during a bad re-entry!;)

Sky Seeker
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When I moved back to the US, my ex-wife destroyed all of my models. So I have to go through and rebuild my entire collection. The good thing is, I get to build them better than before (with all of the detail and greebles that I originally wanted to put in when I first built the model).