Spaceagent-9 2017 build pic threads

LOL @ RB! Thanks Zathros! I changed the model so the little fangs around the nose emitter is more accurate - so they look more like sunflower seeds and just glued into place, and the nostrils too. I probably should learn how to pencil the edges of the paper to match the print, I do have the colored pencils, but I am going thru my printed P.M.'s like Yoda looking thru Luke's supplies, and just going for whats shiney to me. It's going to get real hot here in a couple of months and I will be staying inside, plus I have 4-5 things I need to get done in my personal life, one of them is like bailing out a leaky rowboat every time I try. I really want to get these little guys done and move on to Ron Caudillo's Enterprise TOS 1701, I have some thing new for the nacelle globes, and for the inner supports, plus two blue lasers with memo sound units for the phasers, so I am going to have to make a dry run at that first and a 38 inch/ 4 footish long spindrift with interior made of paper, so that's my inside this summer tasks. that Klingon landing gear looks pretty crummy so I might rework that into something more visually appealing. [ but ya gotta start somewhere]
Put this together last night, still under a lot of chores to do.

View attachment 171028

Wow!:surprise::surprise::surprise: This is a great model of the Vorlon transport. :Bravo::Drinks::Congrats::King::King::King: Talk about speedy. You did all of this in one night? Most impressive.:Bravo::Bravo::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

Where did you get this model? I'd LOVE to take a crack at this one as well! Definitely on my list of things to do.

Sky Seeker
This is a great model of the Vorlon transport.
Where did you get this model?

Thanks. its in resources now under scifi Babylon 5 its a modification from Diego Cortes whom I have lost contact with, but his models are here too. Now I did a minbari cruiser with help from Ron Caudillo. I am putting it in resources right away.

Thanks worked on the invaders props today. That dern big shooter is too big for a page, so I am breaking it up into pieces. Might work out a trigger that moves the nozzle like in the series.
This is a great model of the Vorlon transport.
Where did you get this model?

Thanks. its in resources now under scifi Babylon 5 its a modification from Diego Cortes whom I have lost contact with, but his models are here too. Now I did a minbari cruiser with help from Ron Caudillo. I am putting it in resources right away.

View attachment 171078

Thanks Spaceagent looking forward to seeing & building it.

Sky Seeker
I think at this point my The Invaders packet is finished. I will have to look thru it again and decide if i need to fix anything, also I have to build it for a picture tutorial. The Minbari Cruiser should should be up very soon.
[sufficiently marred to discourage pirates]

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I like the Vorlon Transport, did you design it? I am just curious, it's a model wanted by many. ;)
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I modified the Diego Cortes Vorlon fighter pm, I have emailed him , but have not heard back. In 2010 I talked to him about Gary Pilsworth and Diego Cortes gave me permission to make the Vorlon transport, I made a crummy one but went back and fixed it for this one. If I can find the right texture I will probably go ahead and draw a whole new one at half scale of the current one. another thing on my plate. First going to try to get The Invaders prop package out after Easter. I have 12 pages printed of models I have been ignoring for years that I just have to sit down and build, [like we all do.] Then it's Ron's really big Enterprise and recolor. I am working on the support structure for this large project.
I just about empty an Inhaler for Asthma this week, the Pollen is so high. Take care of those lungs, they are the only ones you have. I may start wearing those stupid white paper dust masks more often. :)
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