Spaceagent-9 2017 build pic threads

Modified my very first model I posted as my design, What? Ten years ago? omg. So I will be building my Space travelers/Marooned RX-1 rescue 1 vehicle. I have really been figuring out a large [ not 1 to 1 studio prop size, about half that ] Spindrift, by Gary Pilsworth, as far as lighting goes.
Then I have modified Rawen's KTinga Klingon warship. After that, I am working up my nerve to build Ron Caudillo's TOS Enterprise, but this one is huge, I enlarged it like 500 times. so I will have to really go slow and steady on that with lights, lasers and sounds. I also built a Jupiter 2 Lost in Space saucer, but I really need to reduce the size of the landing gear and print it on metallic paper. A large Romulan bird of prey again, just to size the modifications, not many changes on this big one, but some of the nacelle parts and outer edge deck parts needed adjusting. rawens KTinga bulb section modification.png
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A little progress pic today.
Still working on refining the big spindrift model, going to be a 1 to 1 model eventually. One problem I found is that the paper is too thin, so I'm moving up for the 1to1 size, to poster paper, that colored stuff at the dollar tree that comes in almost 3 foot long sheets?
A Tholian patrol vessel, and the shipwreck Icarus.

Modified my very first model I posted as my design, What? Ten years ago? omg. So I will be building my Space travelers/Marooned RX-1 rescue 1 vehicle. I have really been figuring out a large [ not 1 to 1 studio prop size, about half that ] Spindrift, by Gary Pilsworth, as far as lighting goes.
Then I have modified Rawen's KTinga Klingon warship. After that, I am working up my nerve to build Ron Caudillo's TOS Enterprise, but this one is huge, I enlarged it like 500 times. so I will have to really go slow and steady on that with lights, lasers and sounds. I also built a Jupiter 2 Lost in Space saucer, but I really need to reduce the size of the landing gear and print it on metallic paper. A large Romulan bird of prey again, just to size the modifications, not many changes on this big one, but some of the nacelle parts and outer edge deck parts needed adjusting.]

That is an amazing improvement. I really can't figure out how you did that!

Have you made a pattern?
No patterns yet, just test fitting all this stuff. Kind of made a jump to the next level , by building these enlargements. soo to be just straight scratch builds and sculpting in paper mache' type materials.
I built the Spindrift wrong, the 3 sections behind the tear drops are up down up, instead of up up up. oh well, live and learn.
About 1/2 way thru Rawens KTinga.
Cut out Rawens enlarged Stargazer so will whip that out fast with no lights.
The medium sized Ktinga/D7 reversible is going well, still working on the details.
I wont mention the Minbari large cruiser, I think its called Blackstar, I am working out for a PM. !
No patterns yet, just test fitting all this stuff. Kind of made a jump to the next level , by building these enlargements. soo to be just straight scratch builds and sculpting in paper mache' type materials.
I built the Spindrift wrong, the 3 sections behind the tear drops are up down up, instead of up up up. oh well, live and learn.
About 1/2 way thru Rawens KTinga.
Cut out Rawens enlarged Stargazer so will whip that out fast with no lights.
The medium sized Ktinga/D7 reversible is going well, still working on the details.
I wont mention the Minbari large cruiser, I think its called Blackstar, I am working out for a PM. !

Highly interested in the Blackstar. Are you going to coordinate the scale with the Agamemnon model?

Sky Seeker
That would make it about 3 feet tall. so no. I might send it to someone who has vector software so it can be easily enlarged since you brought it up. it will probably be only about 10 inches or so tall. but I am trying to figure out a very simple version first, and then I will spend time making sections that are more accurate. I will also need to find a good texture for its skin.
The Giant KTinga has run into snags. One side just is not going together well. so I am going to complete the good side and see if I can fix the other side, but I might just scrap all of it and move on.
So today I officially ran out of ink and I loaded up my new cartridges and will print out Ron's tos 1701. I dont know how big this will be, but I am thinking around 3 feet. This will be a big project for me and I am just going to work on small mods I have made without leds and just use them to keep my nerves from being jangled. my health has been up and down, but pretty much on the good side. I have all the blinkers and rotating leds and domes and such so this weekend I will sit here and print out all 27 pages, one at a time so it dont jam up on me! I want a tall ship and galinium arsenide stars to steer her by!
You've built the models I wish I had time to build, and they all came out so nice!! ;)
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Thanks everyone! I'm slowly printing out the very large Ron C's tos 1701, to avoid smears, jams etc... Here is another progress shot of other stuff I do that easier in my spare time. Just a small Kbop with mods, and the Spindrift with mods, I made the door edge, you cant see it, so I will shave to take another pic. this cockpit was about 20% too small but since I really have to trim and cut this 1st attempt for later mods, I just went with it.i have moved the gravity wave symbol lower and slanted the hatch opening, raised it taller and tilted the control buttons slightly, also moving the button area to the front and down a little on the page. [not pictured here].
The interior needs a lot more work, if anyone has any really good pics of the controls and such I would really appreciate if it you posted them here. Thank you. There will be a 21 inch long orange Spindrift and a 39 inch[ish] long one in dark red. Gary Pilsworth is the author, and I am making mods and recolors, resizes to it.

100_1463.JPG 12we.png 100_1469.JPG
All 27 super large Ron Caudillo recolor to the Smithsonian pages printed out. I had one error on the size, but I fixed it. Already been called a "rivet counter" on the 38ish inch Pilsworth Spindrift! Me, a rivet counter! Can you believe it? I'm moving up in the world. Lol.

A few more tweaks on my 22 inch enlargement and I can start the big one. There won't be an interior on my first try. But if you hear of a guy running around town with a red toy spaceship under his arm, its just me playing Land of the Giants,.lol!
Ok, I know this looks crappy. This is my 22'' test build where I look for errors and where to make modifications to the next paper model improvement. It's printed on flimsy white paper [all that I had] that's why the seams are so visible. The lights pulsing in the teardrops will be much brighter when I print on to clear plastic. I also have changed the color scheme on the 24'' orange one im making to have gold stripes and dome.
Will be starting the 1:1 ish size soon and it will be dark red, with black grill screens, silver-grey vents by the viewport and a translucent red dome.

Credit and thanks for authorship goes to Gary Pilsworth and I have made mods, resizes and recolors as per his permission to me.

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Great job satisfying the need for an Ares Starship so fast. You have these ships down! :)
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I really like modifying Rawen's starships right now. Enlarging them Macy's day parade balloon style, simple, everything is thefe, really big. The KTinga I had to abandon I had to hold with two hands.