Signature info... does it interest you?

I had no idea they slowed things down, I'll have to remember that next time someone complains of slow pages.. Thanks!!!
Yeah, some siggies have a passel of links...ahhmm, and each link has to load regardless of whether you use it or not, p;us the links for pictures that will always retrieve something from another site. Not a significant amount of time for each, but it can add up I guess.

Maybe we need to tell Sumpter250 about this.:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
If you don't mind me saying, but according to Don (EZ)Day's link in his signature- we have Father Christmas (Santa Claus) on our forum. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Signatures on this forum are in good taste and some are very good informative links ,on some other forums i visit they tend to take up whole pages and the actual text of the message is lost somewhere in the meaningless drivel of the signature.Fortunately on most forums these days you can choose to have signatures not shown by unchecking the "show signatures" box in the
"edit options" of the user cp or choosing to ignore a poster entirely,fortunately this forum has a touch of class and censoring various aspects is not necessary.:thumb:
I like reading the sigs myself but as mentioned, find it just a bit annoying when the sigs take over the whole page. Nothing like one that is simple. :mrgreen:
On another forum I frequent the settings allow your sig line to only be present on the first post you make in that thread. Any subsequent posts you make in that thread don't show the sig line. Saves some bandwidth.
Tetters, Jesso, RonP,

I made a comment in jest about placing you guys on my ignore list. I thought we were jesting with each other, I apologize if I offended anyone. I figured you guys knew I was joking, after all I have been following and posting in threads with you guys. I like to have fun in forums, and never have a problem with anybody. Well, I got my fingers slapped and my posts deleted. My sincerest apologies to anyone that was offended.

I apologize as I am the one that started all the joking. I guess I took it too far with the last post that I had put up (as it is gone). My sense of humor doesn't translate well to text. I will keep my sarcasm to a minimum from now on. Sorry that I caused problems.
Well, if there's any apologizing to do, it might come for over at the staff level. Somehow we just kind of missed the inside joke here and someone near and dear to us took it serious. Announcing who is on your "ignore" list is kind of a personal thing that we don't want to see shared, but we can see now where that wasn't the case here. Sometimes things taken out of context don't always appear as they really are.:cry: Once we lose our sense of humor and once we cannot accept kidding about ourselves, we are destined to go over to the Dark Side, (I was watching Star Wars III last night)fence1 and that's not what we want here, so accept this for what it was, a misunderstanding, no more, no less ...stooges8
Is this the part where everybody takes a long, warm shower together? sign1

I think this is exactly what the PM function was designed for. :thumb: