saterday nite foto fun

Sorry I'm late!
Do I need to wait till next Saturday to post one?
That is a cool idea, though...a Saturday Night Photo Feature!
ok its were u post pics of your weeks worth of work on your layouts or enything eny kinda train pic it has not restictions well exept only trains and even if its sunday or monday u can still post pics

Didn't have time this last week to work on the layout so here is a blast from the past. For those that don't remember or joined the Gauge since this was last posted, the Loco, boxcar and track are n-scale and the rest is 1:1.


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Saturday, I worked like a dog to get my modules ready for the Mid-Island train meet in Nanaimo on Sunday.
This included cleaning track and rolling stock wheels, touching up scenery, and getting the DCC ready for the run,
Here are a few shots of the the setup at the show.
First is my 12 ft sectional module (still under construction)



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