Roland C.II


Active Member
Jun 28, 2005
Spokane, WA
Hello All,

I have released the Roland C.II for download here,

There are 4 diffrent versions of the model. One is the base unit in 2 diffrent verssions for a total of 5 PDFs.

Janx did a beautiful job on the Vector re-draws and coloring so I give him at least 75% of the credit for this model.

For building tips please see my Beta build thread,

Hope everyone who downloads it enjoys it :D Let's see some pics of the builds :D Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Getter 1
Have you considered upscaling and making it available though someone like Hobby Factory? This is excellent work, and I think it will get more attention in a larger scale.

Downloaded this last night and forgot to say thanks! :eek:ops: It's a beautiful model of one of my favourite WWI airplanes. Thanks for the variety of colour schemes, too!
Now, if somebody could do an RE-8!

Mike :wave:
Thanks for all the compliments :D

I really enjoyed designing this model. It's IMO one of the most beautiful of of the WW1 deisgns. As there was no models of it other than a few hard to find plastic kits I took up the challenge to do the paper version.

RE-8 huh, that would be an intresting project. I do have a few other things lined up to do but that might be one to add to the list :)

Again thaks to all who've downloaded the model. Enjoy and let's see some pics of your builds :D

Getter 1
Thanks for all the compliments :D

...RE-8 huh, that would be an intresting project. I do have a few other things lined up to do but that might be one to add to the list :) ...

Getter 1

I picked the 'Harry Tate' because it's in basically the same situation as the 'Walfisch'. Other than Airfix's ancient kit and a vacform from Aeroclub, I don't there are any other representations of it out there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Roden adds it to their list, in any scale. It's a beautifully fugly beast! :thumb:

Mike :wave:
Thanks Getter1 and Janx !!

I downloaded your model and for me it is one of the best free downloads in the web!!

Hope to build it soon !
