Rock Island Model Rosters


I talked to them today - the order had vanished from the website "Ordered" list due to time (was ordered last MARCH) they told me, but still was in their "real" order/backorder list!

My loco is in the mail as of tomorrow !!!

Interesting that Walthers was showing "Sold Out" on the GP18s, and now are not ... another computer glich ????
I bet they lost some sales on that one!

Looks like you won't have to change my roster, Mike !

- George

George is right. No such thing as Model Railroad Police.

Hey guys, if you are searching for particular pics, and cannot find any....the best place I have found so far is

Remember I asked about MOW vehicles? I have found enough pictures to give me a pretty good idea of what to buy and what to convert. They may not all be ROCK, BN or BNSF, but there are plenty to use for making my own trucks.

Now, to find some good shop pics so I can start destroying errr ummm converting some of my empty shells to "shop diesels".


Do you have a system map yet? I was wondering where your system takes place-physically that is. That way, my company can issue agreements for your company for trackage rights to our system, and trackage rights requests/agreements to your system.

I am working on a system map currently, as well as designing an animated GIF file for RR-Line forums. I still am trying to come up with a good one for this forum.

Later guys.
Noel, I was just remembering last night that there was an issue of "Classic Trains" a few months ago that talked about Silvis shops. I'll try and remember to dig it out last night and see what it has. I should also have time to tackle your spreadsheet tonite.
OK - here was the ORIGINAL RI track in Iowa. Note that the IAIS track is mostly RI's major route thru Iowa!


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Now - I just need to "merge" the Iowa routes.

I know I will keep the RI-IAIS main route across Iowa, and the RI-IMRL "river" route from Clinton to Muscatine.

I will keep one of the Northern routes to M-StP (IMRL or original RI/Northern Iowa), and one of the Southern routes to KC IMRL or original RI), but have not decided which yet.

But that is the basis for my regional Rock Island Lines.

BTW - the RI fleet of locos in 1996 has shrunk to 200 (compare with IAIS + IMRL combined fleet of 144 in 2001).

My 1996 RI regional fleet roster has:

GP7 (20 CRP), GP9 (20 CRP), GP18 (20), GP38-2 (20), GP40-2 (20 CRP), SD40-2 (30, note 20 more added to replace U30C units), and for switchers SW 9/1200 (15), and SW1500 (15, five added), and U33Bs (20), U25Bs (10, rebuilt), and E8As (10, rebuilt) to make the total. We may get a F40PH from AMTRAK to try out. We will paint it black if we do!

CRP = Capital Rebuild Program. The GP7 & 9 were done by 1980, the GP40s were just starting. In my world, 20 GP40s made it thru the upgrade program. So these units are lasting longer than seen on most roads. The U25Bs and E8As were also upgraded internally.

The other locos from 1980 either bit the dust (like the tired GP35s), were returned to lender, or sold to help recover from debt.

That's my latest plan.

- George
Morning guys,


Thanks a whole heapload for the spreadsheet!!! I will get back to you once I figure out what should be lower or higher. Those shop pics would sure be nice. You did say Silvis, right?

Been up most of the night working on my VB program. Computers might be my forte, but programming sure is not! LOL!

I also managed to squeeze in some time to finish off my Intermodal facility for the MWDLRR track plan. You guys should see this plan now! WOW! I was totally amazed at what all has been done to it.

I just got it back tonight, and the Chief has added two more turntables-one for branchline motive power, and another for the Amtrak facilities to turn the cars around. He added a major Amtrak yard, and engine and fuel facilities too. He widened one of the Interchange yards too, so I can handle more traffic there.

I was a bit surprised when he said that I could put in the Intermodal facility. With what space he gave me (lots of space, just odd-shaped) I was surprised that I turned out a good looking facility.

The Chief told me he still has to put in a Wye, the power plant and the river docks. He plans to lace the entire dock area with industries and a yard.

Anyhow, I finished my animated .gif file and it is over at RR-line now. I am still working on my system map and the .gif I plan to use here. According to the guy I get my stuff from, my new diesels and decals should be here by October. I am currently building a display to take pictures for them.


Thanks for the maps. I have Mike's now too, so I kinda got the feel of where we all are going to have our trackage rights. I noticed on the IAIS map that the ROCK line from ROCK ISLAND to PEORIA is no longer there. Instead it goes from Princeton to Peoria now. That is because they tore up most of the main from RI to Peoria directly. I watched them tear up two miles of track in my hometown.

Finally, I left a 9-11 prayer in both non-rail discussion areas of The Gauge and RR-Line. If you have time, please read and remember this day. Thanks guys.
Wolv (and all) -

I am trying to alter the original RI Iowa map to show the 1996 regional Rock Island Line. I will stick with more of the original RI track than with the IMRL, I think. Of course the IAIS mirrors the old RIL, so no problem there.

Just deciding which of the old RI track to abandon, and which to add!

Hope to "publish" a crude 1996 RIL map by the end of the weekend (with any luck).

But at least for now you know my "territory."

"But ya gotta know the territory!"

in Iowa, ya know!

- George
Interesting old RI map

Here is a map taken from Philip Hastings' book "Remember the Rock" ca. 1987. Hastings was a RI railfan who lived in Waterloo, IA. He drew the map.

Note what I paid for the book! Found it in a used bookstore in Wichita.

- George


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Only problem with this map, is that the ROCK (prototype) was no more by 1987...

I did find a site that lists all RR lines in the year 1895. This was helpful to determine the ROCK's lines that exist no more. It is available by State or County. You guys should check it out.


While I was doing a search for ROCK maps, I also came across a trail that has been made famous for the ROCK line. It is an abandoned line from the 1950s that is now a bike trail. If you ever get the chance to come to IL, I recommend getting over there to see it. The trail was only 15 minutes away from me when I lived in IL.

Also, if you guys just go to and do a search for "Rock Island RR Maps" you will be bombarded with so much ROCK stuff it isn't funny!

I was able to find several pic sites, transportation guides, and a few other goodies while doing this search. The information is OUT THERE, it is just a matter of sifting through all the un-related sites you get.

Finally, anyone who has contact with the RITS page, please notify them that they NEED to update their LINKS. Half of them just give you a 404 error. I tried to email them, but it was sent back.

Later guys.
Which is exactly why I'm not a member; if their website is so out of date, what could one expect from their newsletters - if they're even still producing 'em.

PS - hey guyz I made a payment on my VISA this morning. So you know what that means . . . . . . . . . :D :D :D :D :D :D
Wolv -

The BOOK publication date was 1987. Hastings probably drew his map over the two decades he watched the ROCK in action (from KC to Chicago and throughout Iowa and Illinois).

It is the most accurate and detailed RIL map of the Iowa region in the '60s and '70's that I have found anywhere.

His "working" photos of the RIL (black & white) in this time span are also some of the best RI photography I've seen.

- George
You guys die or something?

You all have been kinda quiet this whole week, both here and at the RRL forums.

We need a discussion that will carry us into the weekend and into Monday. LOL!


Later guys.