Question for all you Canadians, (Americans too)

Here in Ontario you can not drive 10 km. without seeing a chip stand.
Are they in all the provinces? And would you put one on your layout?

Ok, For the wonderfull folks in the states, a chip stand is a roadside fish and french fry joint that is mostly made from old trailers. We also put gravy on our frys, called poutine! Yum Yum ! :???:

Hey David. Chippies are great, but unfortunately there aren't very many in Hamilton. But they do make the best fries.

And with poutine...don't forget the CHEESE!

Hahah cheers
Well we don't see too many chip stands in Saskatchewan. And i don't remember seeing many in Manitoba either. There are lots of places to get Fries or Poutine, in fact i don't think i know of a restaurant that does not have fries on the menu. However fish are a little sparser here. Maybe it is the fact that we are in the middle of a large continent thousands of miles from the nearest ocean. I always laugh when a restaurant advertises "fresh fish", how fresh can it be?
Well, I might, but it'd have to be made from a circa 1920s trailer or van, or mabye a roadside shack. But I don't think they were too popular then, since the roads were not great and touring was rather limited in scope.

Got nothing like that here. Used to have diners but they were not RR cars or vans.

Once in a while in the south you see a smoker and a fellow with a camper selling ribs.

Comes with 2 slices of white bread.

There are boiled peanut stands also.
I don't think i will put one on my layout. Probably a restaurant or 2 but no chip stand. I was thinking about doing a fresh fruit stand though. A friend of mine runs a fruit business in northern Ontario and I was thinking that a truck selling fruit from the back would be a nice way to honor him and his friendship.
Lots of roadside fruit and vegetable stands here in the Niagara Peninsula, and chip wagons too. I imagine roadside diners would've beeen more common in my modelling era (the '30s), but I don't have much in the way of modelled roads, so I'll not likely model one.
As for chips: one of the two major food groups recommended by the Canadian government's Health Canada department, along with beer, eh? And while gravy is okay, vinegar is the best condiment by far, preferably in very generous amounts. Drat! Now I'm hungry.:mrgreen:

In utah they have "shaved ice" stands at nearly every corner. Here in arizona they have "payday loan" places about 2 per intersection, and mexican takeout about every block. Mmm. Carne Asada!

... I was thinking about doing a fresh fruit stand though. A friend of mine runs a fruit business in northern Ontario and I was thinking that a truck selling fruit from the back would be a nice way to honor him and his friendship.
I do things like that, too. Each family member and friend gets some sort of commemoration. My vegetarian Brother-in-Law got a Fruit and Veggie store, my best friend and his brother get an accountant's office. I think it's a great idea.
I even got a hobby shop.:-D
David: are you thinking of making one?
The ones I know are usually a conversion of something between a cube van and a motorhome (missing the living space). They sit there with a raised flap on one side that is both an awning and a cover for the service counter.
When we travel through Sarnia we always stop under the Bluewater bridge and buy chips from Original Albert's.
So its kinda like one of those Hot Dog stands they have in the Chicago area. A little shack on the corner of a busy intersection. Next time I head over to my parents i'll have to snap a shot of it. That thing's been a landmark for years off Sauk Trail & 394 if thats familiar to anyone.
Chicago hot dog stands... I love places like that. If anyone has ever been to Lincoln, Nebraska, there is a place called the "Tastee Inn and Out" that I finally got the nerve to try. The food might kill you, but it is an institution and good for a story. I was born in southwestern Ohio - and the chili joints are everywhere. And tenessee? BBQ!!

I think putting a model of one of these places is a MUST if you are modeling a specific region with a regional food.

Funny you should ask!

How bout a Tim Hortons,they probably out number the chippies by 5 to 1..

We are going to make a donut shop, just can not use Tim Horton`s name.


You can call it what ever you like! Just don`t forget the cop cars!! :?

In my travels back 'n' forth across this beautiful country, I found the greatest proliferation of "chip wagons" in the Ottawa/Hull area .
My opinion is, go for it, it's your empire, if it looks right to you,
Chip wagon chips are the absolute best chips anywhere
Well This weekend I sat down and got the chip stand done in the cad program. It will hit the laser in mid june.
It will first come out in HO Scale 8ft. x 12ft, have a roof top fan, a counter, a picnic table, sign board and 2 trash cans. I am working on some generic signs so that it will be able to be used as a Canadian chip stand, A southern bar-b-Q, a hot dog stand, or a fruit stand, etc... !
Will post pictures when it is ready.
