Q on some online retailers


New Member
Jan 29, 2002
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I'm wondering if anybody has experience with a couple online outfits that apparently sell a lot of model trains, etc. via the net/mail order.
one is "trainworld.com" and another is "ahobbycircle.com"

They appear to have good prices. One reason I'm a little leary is that there are numerous photo-gear outfits in NYC that run wonderful ads and then do bait-and-switch and other slimy tactics. (and there are a couple that are outstanding and ethical)

Trying to avoid the "bad" type of outfit of course..........any comments appreciated
thanks in advance
I've dealt with both retailers (albeit in Nscale) and have had no problems with either one. I've ordered from Hobby Circle a couple of times through the internet and the orders were shipped the next day and without trouble. With Train World, you need to order over the phone. Call the 800 number and find out if what you want is in stock. TW's website is sometimes a little behind but the employees are friendly. They ship quickly as well.
Originally posted by cidchase
Trainworld: thumbs up
Hobby Circle: no personal experience. Several posts indicate slow delivery and unresponsive customer service, but you know, sometimes the bad experiences get over-reported. I might order what's in stock.:) :)

Hey Cid, and all you Atlas guys, Do you remember what happoned to me with hobbycircle?

I've ordered from Hobby Circle once. Seems okay, but took an awfully long time for the order to get here.

However, there's quite the lengthy discussion about them on the Atlas forum that is not altogether flattering. You might wanna check that out.
Thanks-- yesterday I found the Atlas forum and saw some of the reported problems with hobbycircle- they seem to be very inconsistent and slow in shipping.
I am really aggravated when shipments are delayed, communication is poor or lacking, etc. Seems they have a consistent problem.
It's not worth it to save a few bucks.

Anyway, best of all.........I found a site or two (thanks to the many suggestions here and on the Atlas forum) that have prices equal to or a hair better or worse on what I was looking for.

thanks again guys.

Just my two cents... I really like Train World. They've always been friendly and prompt. If for some reason I find myself in the New York area, I definitely want to drop by and browse.

Hobby Circle DOES have problems. Never order from the online. Call them directly to make sure that what you want is in stock. I probably won't be doing business with them in the future.
I,ve seen their ads in MR, but was leary about ordering through them also. Me....and this is personal opinion...I've been ordering through Wathers on line for some time now, I'm really pleased with there service and delivery.
Train World is FANTASTIC!! Their service is great, and the deliver RIGHT NOW. They usually ship orders the same day they are ordered. Now....... Hobby Circle....:mad: :mad: I have ordered 3 times, and I did EVENTUALLY receive all three orders, I was one of the lucky ones. Customer service......what's that? Swift shipping and delivery........huh? Items listed on website as "in stock"......you mean we have to keep those items HERE were we can ship them right away?

You get the idea.....happy shopping!

Originally posted by fvracer85
Train World is FANTASTIC!! Their service is great, and the deliver RIGHT NOW. They usually ship orders the same day they are ordered. Now....... Hobby Circle....:mad: :mad: I have ordered 3 times, and I did EVENTUALLY receive all three orders, I was one of the lucky ones. Customer service......what's that? Swift shipping and delivery........huh? Items listed on website as "in stock"......you mean we have to keep those items HERE were we can ship them right away?

You get the idea.....happy shopping!


I can't find my way around there, do they sell DCC?

Originally posted by Walt Gillespie

1stplacehobbies.com told me about six months ago that they were trying to put together a storefront. Should have been opened by now. They are located up near Ft. Wayne, IN. And I second you on them, good company to do business with.

Great place. Use them alot. No problems.
I did order a couple items from Lombardhobbies.com and they were shipped next day. No problems. Got them quickly. Good.

I did, however, call them after placing the order online. (they had no auto responder after order was placed on their website (something that would send an email at least "we have received your order) They gave me the email for the warehouse and they confirmed they had received the order and items were in stock.

just an fyi and thanks for the other recommendations.