phoenix train show



I think there is a train show in phoenix tomorrow on 52nd street. Anyone been to this one, and is anyone going? I really don't have a large shopping list (small budget :) ), but being social and just browsing may be worth the 5 bucks :D

I think there is a train show in phoenix tomorrow on 52nd street. Anyone been to this one, and is anyone going? I really don't have a large shopping list (small budget :) ), but being social and just browsing may be worth the 5 bucks :D

Yeah, Woodone and I plan on being there. TrainNut can't make this one, but plans on going to the one out at Westworld in two weeks.

The show isn't very big, but I have a theory that there isn't a train show that I'd pass up, regardless of how small. If you're going, look for us. My picture is attached to my signature. I don't think we've had a chance to meet yet...
Just got back from the show... Just a little more N scale than expected, but no bargains. One guy had a bunch of N stuff, but was super-proud of it all. He had a few N scale MT State cars for around $50 each. Other cars and engines were going for at least retail. One other guy had a bunch of N structure kits. He says that they were all half-price. I picked up a coaling hopper that was marked $12, and was about to pay $6..... uh, that's $12 please. What about that half price on all kits? Oh, that doesn't apply to that kit.... Just the ones that are marked in oriental writing, are grossly overpriced to begin with and are really 1:150 scale, all those are half-priced.:cry: :cry:

I did go with Woodone and we ran into Combat and his wife there. TrainNut couldn't make it, but he didn't miss a lot. I thought we should have gotten back most of our admission fee, but you never know until you go, what you're going to find...
I went today as well

I was lurking around this morning when I saw this thread, googled a little and found the location. I took my wife and four kids..(my son is a big train fan like his dad). Not bad for $5 for the entire family.
Hey Don, I looked up your pic - gray beard, kinda like santa claus :) Thought you would be easy to find. Then I walked in, and gray beards galore :D Oh well, maybe next time.

I did notice more N scale than usual. I also noticed more "salesmen" and more people bickering over prices. Seems people really wanted to unload stuff, but knew what their bottom line was. I picked up a pair of hon3 car kits and 2 pairs of hon3 trucks for 30 bucks. Not bad. I also picked up a junker MDC HO coach for 5 bucks. I probably overpaid, but considering the guy originally wanted to sell it to me for 10, I guess it wasn't that bad.

Yeah, we old bearded duffers all look alike.:rolleyes: Kinda scary to see all those gray beards hanging around,:eek: :eek: but you can tell me from the pack, I'm the good looking one with all the flies buzzing around my head, must be the cheap cologne. :cry: :cry:

Jerry and I both walked out empty-handed. Glad you found something. I know Combat found a few things as well. Hey, you HO guys got control.:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Overkil, The show up on N. Central is about twice as big and still only $5. Most vendors that were there today will be back up there, plus a whole bunch of others, some are actually willing to deal. We have a forum here where we announce new shows, keep an eye on it.

And while we're talking about shows, we have GATS coming up in two weeks, March 8, at Westworld in Scottsdale. I know a bunch of us are going to be there so lets make plans to meet somewhere. I can send you a PM with my cell #. I think the entrance fee there is $8, but is good for both days.
I think the Great American Train show is now defunct. The show is in scottsdale is a spinoff travelling show. I expect it to be similar to the old GATS. That means, less individual members, more large vendors (new stuff) and operating layouts.

I think the Great American Train show is now defunct. The show is in scottsdale is a spinoff travelling show. I expect it to be similar to the old GATS. That means, less individual members, more large vendors (new stuff) and operating layouts.

Yep, you're right, it's just so much easier to say GATS, than "The Great Train Expo":mrgreen:... Seems like this one, "The Worlds Greatest Hobby" and "Greenberg's" are all under the same umbrella now. And you're also right, I'd expect more manufacturers and dealers than private tables. I'm going to look and talk, but who knows, I'm going to bring a few bucks just in case. I missed the last one when it was at the Phoenix Convention Center. That was a good five years ago, so it's been a long time coming.

I hope we can meet up this time.:thumb: :thumb:
Overkil, The show up on N. Central is about twice as big and still only $5. Most vendors that were there today will be back up there, plus a whole bunch of others, some are actually willing to deal. We have a forum here where we announce new shows, keep an eye on it.

And while we're talking about shows, we have GATS coming up in two weeks, March 8, at Westworld in Scottsdale. I know a bunch of us are going to be there so lets make plans to meet somewhere. I can send you a PM with my cell #. I think the entrance fee there is $8, but is good for both days.

Thanks for the lead on the phx area shows...I will bookmark it. I'm planning on going to the show on Mar 8th/9th. Feel free to PM your cell # - I'm not sure yet which day we will attend but once we get closer I should have a better idea...


I got a card in the mail advertising a swap meet at Adobe Mountain Desert RR park on March 15 2008. 9-3, $4 admission donation.
If all goes well the family and I will be there.
I got a card in the mail advertising a swap meet at Adobe Mountain Desert RR park on March 15 2008. 9-3, $4 admission donation.
If all goes well the family and I will be there.
That's great, looking forward to seeing you all again. I take it you'll not be down for the GATS show in two weeks? Let me know if you are and I'll try to find you. Size-wise, well Westworld is one huge tent, I'm guess around a football field. They just finished holding a car auction there. I don't know if GATS will fill it up, but the potential is there.
Thanks for the lead on the phx area shows...I will bookmark it. I'm planning on going to the show on Mar 8th/9th. Feel free to PM your cell # - I'm not sure yet which day we will attend but once we get closer I should have a better idea...


Woodone and I are planning on going Saturday. Keep me posted, it's always neat to meet with fellow Gaugers, even if it's just for a few minutes.
That's great, looking forward to seeing you all again. I take it you'll not be down for the GATS show in two weeks? Let me know if you are and I'll try to find you. Size-wise, well Westworld is one huge tent, I'm guess around a football field. They just finished holding a car auction there. I don't know if GATS will fill it up, but the potential is there.
Hi Don,
With the price of gas and a thin modeling budget this year, I'm going to have to limit the number of shows we attend in Phoenix. We seem to enjoy the meets at Adobe Mountain more so I'm shooting for that one.
Hope to see you all there.
Hi Ray,
Well Don and myself will make it to the show in Scottsdale.
not sure about the Adobe Mountain, swap meet on March 15th.
Three shows in a short time frame. If I can I will make it too, and if I do I will see if I can't get Don to ride along with me, as I owe him a ride.
Can understand the trips to Phoenix. GAS COST!!!
I don't think you missed much this last weekend.
Don and I both walked out without any thing in hand. ( looking for N scale) Lots of big train stuff and a good selection of HO.
Hi Ray,
Well Don and myself will make it to the show in Scottsdale.
not sure about the Adobe Mountain, swap meet on March 15th.
Three shows in a short time frame. If I can I will make it too, and if I do I will see if I can't get Don to ride along with me, as I owe him a ride.
Can understand the trips to Phoenix. GAS COST!!!
I don't think you missed much this last weekend.
Don and I both walked out without any thing in hand. ( looking for N scale) Lots of big train stuff and a good selection of HO.

I'll look for you, If you don't make it I understand.
Finding N scale deals seem to be getting hard. If there is anything specific your looking for, I can ask around up here.
I'll look for you, If you don't make it I understand.
Finding N scale deals seem to be getting hard. If there is anything specific your looking for, I can ask around up here.
In my case it's one of those, I'll know what I'm looking for when I see it, things... I like to go to these, even if I don't buy anything. It's the hope of the find that keeps you coming back, like the last two times I went to the Prescott show. Got some good buys those times.

I'm going to try to make the one up a Adobe Mtn park. It's a much smaller group, but I enjoy talking with friends and looking at their layouts up there. It's more of a family atmosphere than the others. I'll be talking to Jerry and see if we can't go together. I'm two up on him for driving to these things:rolleyes:, so maybe it'll work out..:thumb:
Well, Woodone and myself went to the Great Train Flop there at Westworld today.:rolleyes: Both TrainNut and Combat were there too. I don't know about those guys, but we were a bit disappointed in what we saw. They advertised, "200 tables", well we were expecting 200 vendors to be there. Yeah, they had 200 tables, one vendor had 5 tables, another had 10, a few had 12 and so they probably did add up to 200. Those that were there were all dealers. No local or individual people with their stuff for sale, and no manufacturers. I'd expect at least a few to be at a major traveling train show.

There were some extensive modular layouts there, they took up more room than the vendors did, and the hall was half empty to boot. We spent more time at the layouts and we were still ready to leave in less than an hour.

Oh yeah, one guy had probably 20 tables of N scale stuff, but he was mighty proud of it and wanted top dollar. And another guy had a lot of N scale hand-painted locos, priced anywhere from $135 to $395.

I bought three overpriced train coffee mugs because they were decent looking, I collect mugs and I had to justify spending $7 to get in the door. Woodone came home empty-handed :cry: :cry:

Yes I came home empty handed.:curse:
Don hit the nail on the head--- The Great Train--- FLOP
Man what a letdown. When I first walked into the big TENT and found that is was only 1/8 full of train related idems. :eek: Most of that room was taken up by the great layouts set up by some of the local clubs, and some from out of town. Nice modular layouts and very large layouts.:thumb:
I hopeing to find some manufactures and vendors of train products, but I did not see one, not one. Very disapointing.wall1
Oh well, I did see some fellow Gaugers, and that will offset my entry fee.
That's about how I remember the GATS. You could find OK deals on new stuff from travelling hobby shops. Well, mail-order prices but without the shipping charge. Used stuff was there, but definitely in minority, with the exception of collector-grade Lionel. I rarely thought it was a waste of money, because I enjoyed browsing and just seeing stuff. There used to be a great little N-scale mining layout. And the modular layouts were always fun to see.

That's about how I remember the GATS. You could find OK deals on new stuff from travelling hobby shops. Well, mail-order prices but without the shipping charge. Used stuff was there, but definitely in minority, with the exception of collector-grade Lionel. I rarely thought it was a waste of money, because I enjoyed browsing and just seeing stuff. There used to be a great little N-scale mining layout. And the modular layouts were always fun to see.

I guess the bottom line was that the layouts were great, and they were large. I'm sure it took some of them a couple of days to set up, and they were worth the price of admission. I like to browse too, I guess I expected more from a traveling show, much more considering the overhead they must be paying to rent Westworld. In fact there is more product at that church show up on N. Central and better deals, I guess because they don't charge as much to rent table space.