Oldies but Goodies. The Old Stuff.

That's a beauty!! A lot of people would have kept it in the box, to sell at some later date. I like that you have set it up, very cool indeed! :)

That is how I got it with the box and that is where it still is now. I still have it all and it is like new.
You have a wonderful collection. All to enjoy while you can. I'm a firm believer in enjoying what you have, keeping it in a box, unused, is no fun, unless you have duplicates. I made a few hundred dollars off of a Monogram Jaguar XKE model that I had purchased 4 of. I sold the 2nd to the last one for $275 to a friend, (because he was a friend, I really didn't want to sell it). Net result was $800 bucks profit on all the models, but I did keep one, it's almost finished, still have the box. 1.8th scale, a big model, very detailed, even the windows go up and down with the windows crank! Full suspension, engine, and flip bonnet. I have an original Renwahl Visible V-8 that I am going to build with my son, if I can get him interested enough. That model is from the early 1960's. ;)
Here is an old 1970-ish Chemical Tank Car released by Red Ball " Monsanto Chemical Company", acid carRed Ball ascid tank car - s.JPG.
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I have a drawer full of "N" scale cars, engines, people, animals, trucks, everything to set up a track except the room. I don't think there is anything there worth any money, I mostly purchased the stuff in the late '70's and early '80's, but it was stuff I liked. Some of the vehicles were highly detailed, especially for the scale, and they cost me a lot. I have a really nice 1950's automobile towing a little camper, that is so pleasing, last time I had it set up. My wife actually has been bugging me about doing a small set up, so I will let her tell me when and where, because we will need more stuff! :wink:
zathros be careful, once the train bug bites some people lose it and become like me, train collectors. Or possibly hoarders.
That's a beauty, for sure. It is amazing how in a steam engine, all that energy is released into the relatively small chambers, lying on their sides in the fron, that generatve in both directions, one on each side, and they are as big as you think they would need to be. Even on really big steam trains. Steam is some crazy chit!! :)
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IMG_2685 - S.JPG

*Here are two similar 40 foot box cars made from kits. Further description would be" Double Door, Automobile car, with round roofs " These are and all metal, and were made in brass and also tin stampings. They have a wood frame core the metal outside sheeting fastens to. The cars are Pennsylvania railroad with different road numbers and paint finishes done by the manufactures. These were first made by Athearn in their metal line in the late 40's and early 50's. After this they were still available by a different manufacture through the 1960's and into the 70's.

I like the curved tops on these, they look so much nicer, in my opinion. :)
Your opinion counts always. It is clear and not cluttered like mine. There are a couple of train shows Coming up next month. Both in PA. One in New Hope, the other in Allentown. There is a third In Wayne NJ that I like going to also. I guess I am going to two of them. Probably will go to of them. Allentown and Wayne.
post 1 of two.

At the recent Franklin NJ train show I acquired 3 Penn Line D2 Whitcomb Midget diesel switchers. One is unbuilt still in kit form in it original box. Another in build but unfinished. The third is built and primed black.

IMG_2911 - S.JPG IMG_2913 - S.JPG

I love the small train cars a lot, and the little plastic ones are so damned cute!
I have found many train paper models that would serve well as static displays, in various states of decay or build. Here's one that's a beauty, it's free, and you could scale it to whatever size you want. There are a sh*tload of these. Let me know if you're looking for something specific. ;)

Link to model download = https://app.box.com/s/218ao6t7osb03ldq81bfbkevnqr7yykw

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You download the .RAR file, and open it using 7zip or another similar free program. They just can't show you a preview of the model.

Here's a link to 7Zip, chose the one the applies to your computer. I usually make a folder for the mode. put the >RAR file in it, right clcik, "Extract File Here". This is the best Unzipping program around. I've been using it for around 15 years. :)

Link to 7Zip = https://www.7-zip.org/
Zathros your knowledge is showing in your last post. But your supposing that I can understand what your meaning is. You know your way around a computer. I really dont. I have never trusted anything I received that was in a zipped up file, knowing anything could be in it, so I never open one and only delete it. I treated it as a unopened Jack in the Box and just threw it away. I just thought there was a way to open and convert RAR files into something I can use.
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* I really miss Bill Nelsons postings. I know he's here somewhere. I go back alot to those in this topic on pages 10 and 11 to read through them again, time and time again. I've even edited some to put things in that I should have back then. Here he showed his old stuff from 40 to 50 years ago. His narrow gauge trains that he shown and spoke of are wonderfull. He converted many standard locos and cars to narrow gauge. He sspeaks to us of fellow modelers Steve, Tim, and Pete, of his club, and shows us alot of different classes of narrow gauge logger locos and equipment. Lots of history to. I had to add that last short sentence because the railroads he models are real one. His equipment painted, detail to match the real ones.
.zip, .rar files, are just a way of compressing a file and allowing the data to be in a smaller package. The easy to to see if a .zip, or .rar is safe is to "Right Click" on it with your mouse, and use your anti-virus to scan it. I Use Norton Internet Security, hasn't failed me yet. I never open zip or rar files without scanning them first. Not sure what you use for antivirus, but I am sure you can scan individual files.. I had a "Smiley" Emoticon on the forum that looked odd to me. Instead of being 38kb or something like that, it was over 400mgs in size. It turned out to be a keylogger trojan virus that someone tried to stick in here. I happened to be online when it was posted, and was able to delete the trojan, and the member too, in one shot. I read every new post made on this forum to make sure nothing nasty gets through. ;)
Now I do use Norton but I thought it did it automatically. I try your way soon.

I'm sure that I mentioned over in the depot thread a Aristo-Craft 4-4-2 I was working on. I got it together and working. It just needs some lettering.

New One Japan 4-4-2

AC 4-4-2-126 c .jpg
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Norton has a lot of features you can se manually by "Right Clicking" on he file. The "Right Click" allows you do scan individual files, and you are right, Norton automatically scans all .zips,.rar files you download, so your double safe. The individual feature is for a file someone may have shared with you. I once got a really nice model someone posted, but nobody sed because there was a Trojan Virus compressed in the file. I opened the file, in a spare hard drive I have for such ventures, and Norton immediately told me the file had a "Virus", but could "clean it'. clicked O.K., and proceeded to get a model that was like un-obtanium. I then uploaded it to here, so everyone could get it. I have done that so many times, I don't even remember the name of the file. I cracked a $1000 dollar program like that once. If you unzipped all the files, you ended up with a nasty virus. A friend had the program, and I asked him for a particular .dll file, so when Norton refused to open that .rar file, and could not clean it, I deleted it, made a .rar file out of the good .dll file I had, and ended up with a $1000 dollar program.

It's good to learn these things, but better to be safe. If in doubt, and you want it, send me a P.M., and I'll make sure it's safe and get you a clean copy :)
View attachment 168373 Now I do use Norton but I thought it did it automatically. I try your way soon.

I'm sure that I mentioned over in the depot thread a Aristo-Craft 4-4-2 I was working on. I got it together and working. It just needs some lettering.

New One Japan 4-4-2
View attachment 168373

That's a sweet looking engine. The machinist part of me finds this stuff to be the ultimate eye candy!! :)