old sailing ships for beginner


Apr 19, 2005

I would like to build my first sailing ship paper model.
Do you have some suggestion which model the easiest one to build?

I like old sailing ships with cannon.
Please advice.

Best regards,

It doesn't have any cannons, but the Maly Modelarz Cutty Sark is not all that difficult a build. The old version left something to be desired in the way of printing and paper quality, but the parts fits were very good. I haven't gotten my hands on the most recent version (the reprint released a year or so ago), but I've read that the printing and paper quallity are vastly better, and has nice touches like sails printed both front and back.
Hi Dimas,

Wodnik looks good, but I hear that MM has fitting issues and the printing quality is not very good.

How is your wodnik?
Have you tried to build one?


I used to make MM way long ago, about 15 years ago. And even at that time non of the ship models that I built had any problems.

Currently all MM are done with 3D software and there are no fitting issues as far as I know.

In addition, Wodnik is printed on a nice paper with amazing quility. The colors are bright and very rich!
I remember seeing a old British galleon on a Russian site about a year ago. Don't remember the URL. It's not the Mary Rose but may be part of that web site. Looks like it had around a hundred parts.

Hi Dimas,

About MM Wodnik, does it include all the mast and sails? What material? Are they all from paper? Or wood (masts) and cloth (sails)?


Wodnik has sails printed on papers on both sides! masts are to be made from paper. But I usually did it all from wood. You can use pape and wrap it around suhi sticks or chopstics for masts.
works fine!
shish ka-bob spears are thinner and a pack of 100 goes for $1 at the dollar store.

of course printing a bunch of telephone poles right next to each other on thin paper and then rolling works nice too:

a bunch of telephone poles ?
I do not really understand this, could you post the picture?


Best regards,


of course printing a bunch of telephone poles right next to each other on thin paper and then rolling works nice too:
well I searched the internet for pictures of a telphone pole. I found this one:


I trimed out the kitty, and the blue sky and took the telephone pole and duplicated it many times and made this image:


it was too big for my scale so I reduced it to 25% of the orignal and put it on
all four corners of a sheet of paper, flipping and mirroring the image to get things to line up right:


now whenever I need a mast, I print out this image and roll the paper.

Wow, that is very nice !!
Thanks jleslie48, you must be a very experienced paper ship builder.

How about the sail ?
Do I use cloth or paper? which one is better?

Best regards,

for the santa maria I printed cloth onto paper!!!

I then mirrored the cloth, and dimmed the emblem by painting over it with
paint shop pro so it looked like I was looking through the "cloth" at the front side when I laminated the two paper sails together. I watered down the glue a bit and purposely let it wringle to give it more of a cloth effect.
>for the santa maria I printed cloth onto paper!!!
You mean you print cloth pattern on to paper?

So it is better to use cloth or paper ?
sorry for the confusion, I printed a cloth pattern onto paper.
as a matter of fact, that model I did entiirely, in paper. even the rigging is paper.