O Scale Elves


New Member
Feb 15, 2007
Hello, all.

I am currently working on a Christmas layout that includes a second level for the North Pole and scratch built ”Elf Train”.
My problem is the elves. Does anyone know of a source for elves or dwarves that would O scale out to be about 3’ – 4’? I am hoping for something more on the cute side and not so warrior-like as in war game figures.

If I can’t find something soon, I guess I will have to sculpt my own – a skill I have not yet developed.

Thanks much in advance for any help.

Sjack (Jim)

You might want to look at catalogs (Walters for example) for HO figures. These would scale out to the height you wanted, and would be in proportion all over. There may be some, that with a little painting and limb positioning could meet your needs. Or, they could be a starting point as a frame for adding features.

just a thought
Don't know how cute you want them, but there are many 1:48 and a little bit smaller elves and dwarves available. Some more suitable than others.

Thunderbolt Mountain some very beautiful stuff.
.:Hasslefree Miniatures:. another range with very good sculpts. Much won't be what you're looking for, but there are some figures which might fit the bill.
Welcome to the Foundry website, makers of the finest and largest range of small metal cast models for gamers, collectors and painters these also have something which might prove useful, but you'll have to plough throught the catalogue to find them (their site isn't direct link friendly)

One point of note is that many of these ranges contain tons of barechested figures too. Wargamers apparently dig that (sic)
I m a elf
Thanks to all that responded (on many boards) to my search for “cute” o scale elves for a Christmas layout.

A few of things I found out:
- No one makes quite what I’m looking for.
- The scale is the biggest problem (looking for something about 1 inch tall).
- The fact that I want to customize my elves to fill many roles (i.e., train personnel, engineers, toy makers, reindeer handlers, etc.) mean many of the standard elves (such Lemax) wouldn’t work.
- Smurfs (suggested by many) definitely qualify as “cute” and could be painted as Christmas elves, but all those I have found are either the wrong size or wrong material (I would like to work with something other than ceramic).
-War gaming items are plentiful, but certainly not “cute”. I found it rather humorous how many war gaming sites had female warrior elves with big and/or exposed boobs.

My conclusion:
I have decided to try to sculpt and cast my own. I figure if I can sculpt three different heads, torsos and legs, I could mix and match them to create a good quantity and variety of elves. This whole process will be new to me, but I think it could be fun. I’ll try to provide updates of my progress.

Thanks again very much to all who responded. It makes me confident that I will get even more responses to another query in a new thread.
