Next Presidents Choice Train Set?

This came up on another site and the word is that there will NOT be a PC train set this year.
The set that got me into this game was the PC "yard Bull".Y'still see them at shows for about $110
A few years ago I got the 60-60 Cn steam engine. I love that train and it runs great. To bad they are not making any more of there trains.

Never say never. They have had (I think) ten sets out of the past 12-13 years. So they have missed a few years before, and always come back with something. Most notable "miss" was due to a fire in the munfacturer's facility (IHC in Eastern Europe?).

I bought 3 sets of the CN Hudson in jan they were about 59.99 after new years. Very very smooth engines with smoke and all handrails and uncoupler handles. i'll be sad if theres none this year, good Canadian stuff is hard to find. speaking of canada i'd ask mr. president choice for a 4-6-0 CP for Xmas LOL
Hey Deckroid,
I hope your wife finds that home on Vancouver Island. We found a home there and enjoy spending time away from the USA to be in the most gorgeous place I have ever been. Be asssured that there is lots of model and real railroad activity on the island. Its a foreign country, but the natives are friendly and ALL speak ENGLISH (not so here in the USA). Only problem is that the US dollar is losing ground against the Canadian dollar, so expect to pay a little more.

Its a foreign country, but the natives are friendly and ALL speak ENGLISH (not so here in the USA).


The Spanish speakers here tend to mumble kind of like my Indian friends...which has been depressing for me as I try to practice mi espanol hablando. The grad students from northern South America don't mumble, but they have strong accents. I'm just sticking with my German practice now.

I presume that the Quebecers don't typically emigrate to BC? The Quebecers I've met have all be fun (and pro-Canadian...not separatists)...but the English was usually no where near as good as the French people I know (some of whom have almost no accent).
No train this year from superstore

Here is a letter I got from President Choice regarding my inquiry on the PC train set,
Dear Mr. Poon,

Thank you for contacting us concerning our PC Train Set. It was kind of you to take the time to email and we apologize for the delay in responding.

Unfortunately, there will not be a train set released this year. However, there will be a special Anniversary Edition Train released next year. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your interest.

Mr. Poon, we value your feedback. Please contact us in the future with any other questions or comments.


Customer Relations
President's Choice
Here is a letter I got from President Choice regarding my inquiry on the PC train set,
Dear Mr. Poon,
Thank you for contacting us concerning our PC Train Set. It was kind of you to take the time to email and we apologize for the delay in responding.
Unfortunately, there will not be a train set released this year. However, there will be a special Anniversary Edition Train released next year. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your interest.
Mr. Poon, we value your feedback. Please contact us in the future with any other questions or comments.
Customer Relations
President's Choice

Thanks, Richard -- well, that pretty well sums it up then! I look forward to the anniversary edition. Thanks for posting this. Cheers, Rob