New to forums


Oct 5, 2013
Hello. My name is Collin McGee. Ive been paper modelling...well, modelling of ANY kind for quite awhile, but pretty new to visiting or posting in forums of any kind. I'll do my best to learn about how all this works, and get some pics of projects ive done, posted here.
One of the better projects Ive done , was done for my ex girlfriend. Fortunately, even though the parting was heartbreaking and some anger, she still really loved the thing i made, enough to want to keep it.
Communication is okay btween us and I shouldnt have any trouble getting her to take several pics and sending them to me so I can post them. Thank you all.

Rhaven Blaack

Staff member
Jun 12, 2009
Hello am welcome to the forum.
It is cool to hear that you are still on good terms with your ex-girlfriend and that she still has the model that you built for her.

What is your favorite genre and what sort of things do you like to build?
By all means post photos of everything that you have made.
Not only that, but when you start a new project, posting a build thread is a GREAT way to show off your skills, as well as highlighting any tips or techniques that you would like to share. Not only that, but build threads are a GREAT way to point out problem areas that you are having with a particular model that you may need help with or to post a solution that you came up with for a problem with a particular model.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or need help or advice, please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again welcome aboard and I look forward to seeing your work.

I hope that you enjoy yourself here.


Oct 5, 2013
Hey I really appreciate that. What a great welcome. after I logged off earlier this morning finally, I started thinking about all the projects I have in limbo, and the few that I have completed, that actually still exist, and I will be getting them together and start to photo them so I can submit them to get advice and ideas.
Several years ago I was working on one of those satellite kits from over at ninfinger hub,and I was trying to come up with a way to realistically portray the solar cell array that circles the craft.( it was a lunar probe of some sort. I dont remember exactly the name...its the one that has the wheel shape photovoltaic skin.)
What I came up with was something that I think I would like to put here for everyone to take a look at. I'm also glad to share how I achieved the result, but I'll wait until I post the pic to include the process.
Yes....regarding the ex...there's been a few times that I had to ask " you still have that modified Santa's house and stuff I did for you right?...i mean you didnt decide to destroy it i hope....I put ALOT of tedious work into that"
Her response is " No i didn't destroy it...just because I may not necessarily like you very much right now, I still love my s&@#.. The house and other stuff didnt hurt me.. YOU did"
Wheeew...That means I can still get her to take pics of it for me, and when she does, I'll post it here.
Thanks again for the very kind welcome.


Oct 5, 2013
I almost far as what subject matter i like to build, or what type of modellingI enjoy...well I really love to dabble and build in most any media, as each different media presents its own challenges, and often times I actually use paper parts in my plastic kits directly, or as templates, but I do love just straight up paper modelling by itself.
Subject matter is soooo broad and varied. I love sci fi...i mean REALLY love sci fi..especially all the obscure and arbitrary stuff that isnt mainstream stuff, that pops up once in awhile.
I really love the space future speculative stuff alot. Like the kits that pay homage to artists and concept designers like C. Bonestell, and all the others whos names I know, but for the moment ar somehow completely eluding me big time.
Having aLOT of troubles with names recently..even common household names are escaping me. hmmm.
That aside, I love aviation and real space..I love real space history subjects and some WWII. I really like WWI all the biplanes and heavy bombers from that era, but MAN do i need to seriously learn how to do rigging. That rigging 0on those planes as well as little details like the control horns on the flaps and the cables and turnbuckles REALLY amp those things up if i could do 'em right.
Im still afraid of doing the kinds of ships I would love to be able to do..again...alll that rigging and aerials and railing that helps it really intimidates me, but loooks soooo cool.
Honestly I just reallly love to build and create..and im always looking for a way to make my projects have that little extra mmph..if even just for me and knowing that i was able to do it.
I Love the Star Trek universe in modelling in ANY format. as well as Star Wars, but i really love the older classic sci fi subjects.


Staff member
Apr 5, 2013
We aren't paper purists here, so don't worry if your models have some other than paper parts. Though we are primarily a papermodel site, reality is what it is. Welcome aboard! :)