New Enterprise from Star Trek XI


Active Member
Jul 12, 2007
Berlin, Germany
here is my latest Model, the U.S.S. Enterprise from the latest Star Trek XI Movie. Many thanks to Uhu02 and Makino for the fantastic model. The model is in a scale of 1:1000. Yes, and of course I built a special stand for the model:mrgreen:.
Here are some Pictures:

greetings and a happy Halloween, Loenf

Ent_XI.jpg En_XI_0.jpg En_XI_1.jpg En_XI_2.jpg En_XI_3.jpg En_XI_4.jpg
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The Model from the latest Enterprise is the same scale like my TOS Enterprise. More than 50 years of Enterprise:mrgreen:


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Hi Loenf,

Beautiful model!!!!

Just one question out of curiosity, in reguards to the scale...

You said it's 1/1000 scale, and you said it's in the same sclae as you TOS model.

As far as the Nu-Ent scale, what measurements did you use?
I ask, because as per JJ Abrams (so called official size, which I personally don't buy), she's 725m length, and the TOS Ent is around 289m lenth.
Oh! And could ya take some close-up pics of the bases you made?
Please, pretty please. hehehe

Okay, I agree with you, the scale might be different. I think you can´t compare them. However both models have the same saucer diameter of 160mm. The Ent XI has a total lenght of 345mm (from front of the saucer to the end of the warp nacells). Here some closeups from the scratchbuild stand.

regards Loenf


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Okay, I agree with you, the scale might be different. I think you can´t compare them. However both models have the same saucer diameter of 160mm. The Ent XI has a total lenght of 345mm (from front of the saucer to the end of the warp nacells). Here some closeups from the scratchbuild stand.

regards Loenf
Ah... So what you're saying is that your prefere the "Nu-Prise", "Nu-Ent", "JJ-Prise" (or whatever ya wana call it. lol) to be in that scale.
Kool! I can understand that.

I too, don't follow the canonical scale, i think that size is absured. lol

My own take on it, is a little bigger...
I work with scale 1/2500 for all my ST ships, so my Nu-prise is 8 inches long, converted to meters, comes out to 508m long.
A middle ground is favorable to me in my view of the nu alternate universe.:thumb:

Be well,
Funny sidenote to that paprmodel: It "repairs" the most awful design problem of the JJprise (but I guess simply by happy accident), the space between the Warp nacelles. This is too wide in the model (they are MUCH closer together seen on screen), but this way the ship looks MUCH, MUCH better.

Original configuration:

I am sorry I missed this too. When i first looked at this, I thought I was looking at a C.G. model of the Enterprise? You have raised the bar to a new Final Frontier....... :)