New Diorama


Active Member
Jan 12, 2004
Huntsville, Ontario
Well, just before Christmas, one of my Rotary friends suggested I do a talk on Model Railroading as a hobby, (I have it scheduled for later in the spring).

Also, a couple of the fellows at my model RR club said that an introductory clinic might be good for some of the other service clubs as well as train show.

I decided that since a picture speaks 1000 words, a diorama would speak a whole book for me.

I wanted an introductory diorama that was simple yet could be detailed up nicely. In the "Talk" I was writing up I was mentioning how most of us started out with a train running around our christmas tree. So the diorama has two sides, one painted white that will be a run of Bachmann EZ-track, on the detailed side it is a run of flextrack a turnout and a siding. There will be a cover over the entire diorama when I first bring it into the club.


At a given time in the talk, I will reveal the smaller section of the diorama. As you can see in the mirror, I will be having the base of a Christmas tree with the train running under it.


Then later in the talk, I will unveil the detailed side. Here I am just starting to place the structures so I can judge footprints.


This is a closeup of the Tsawwatti Station (I don't know, that is what Robin Matthysen named it).

As you can see I am just starting.
I am attempting to complete this diorama using some of Robin Matthysen's cerealboard artwork as well as about 4-5 of RSlaserKits structures. In the center photo, the three buildings on the left of the street are all RSlaser Kits. These kits are just right for my era, heck they would be right for any rural era.
What a chance you get to inspire for model railroading and, as you said, a layout speaks louder than words.
I will also confirm that those RSLaserKits buildings looks great. They look "right" :)
I´m looking forward to see more and hear more from your project
Will that's a pretyy neat project your doing. A great way to share the hobby with 'new' prospects. A great visual. The side with the tree is a great idea for presentation. Can't wait to see how it all turns out and the response you get.

Thanks Johnny.

Well, I must be a picky son of a gun or something... I have been looking at that portal for a couple of days and not liking it. SO!

Tonight I ripped it out and started again.


What do you guys think of this one? Be honest now.

Here is a closer look.

I like the layout, and I like the idea of going outside of the usual Model Railroading circles to pitch Model Railroading. Which is kinda like preaching to the choir.