N Scale specific magazines.


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
Hayden, ID
I am just getting started in N-scale after I realized I will never be able to accomplish what I want in HO. I am subscribed to Model Railroader but, have seen there are quite a few N-Scale specific magazines as well. They seem to all be bi-monthly and quite expensive though so I want to get some opinions before subscribing to any of them. Which are the best ones out there as far as getting your moneys worth. I love seeing reviews and layout tours. Scratchbuilding and kitbashing articles are ok but not something Im hugely into. Scenery clinics I do enjoy though. I also don't want one that costs $30 a year and you get 6 50 page magazines. SO what are your opinions about them and are they really worth the price? Thanks.
I understand not wanting to spend $31 for Nscale or N scale Railroading Magazines.

Both are very similar. NS is the older of the 2, published since 1989. You can order 2 discs of back issues from 1989-1994 & 1995-1999 for $40. some of those old mags may be dated now.

Both are 6 issues/year, coming out at the same time Jan-Feb 09. NS has new owners, that seem to do a better job of keeping NS on track. Some NS issues arrived later than advertised.

Frankly, I hope you have a LHS that lets you try an issue at $6.00 before spending $31. They are available at some Nscale ELHS. (Electric Local Hobby Shop). You won't find them at Border's, Walmart, etc.
Browse the magazines first - but only what you want to keep, depending on your specific purpose and interests.

I don't subscribe to any mags, but I do often by the major Narrow Gauge Gazette mag because it usually contains the best info on scenery and structures for the period of my choice.
Can't find anything this side of the pond unfortunately. All mainly OO/ HO, but N is gaining interest only because of how much you can get into a space compared to the larger gauges.
For your side of the pond ypu may have to use one of the Peco publications. You may be lucky to find Trains? Guess you can save some $$ and use the net. I suggest checking out Trainboard, Atlas, or Bachmann sites.
I exhibit with an N scale group at train shows in my area. If you go to a train show, you are bound to find a booth that sells cheap, 1980s-this year RR magazines, that you can flip through. once I found a booth selling magazines for 5/$1.00. that was a great deal.

Another word on train shows: look for good deals, but don't buy something that looks to-good-to-be-true until you know it is what you want. I have fell in that hole a few times & now I have junk I need to get rid of.

So, find out where the nearest shows are, make plans to go there, and go. you may even find ideas from the layouts.
I have subscribed to both since the beginning of each one. I don't find "must read" articles in every issue but on balance I find them well worth the price.