N Precision Craft Model Sound?

This is an F7...

Photo © www.drgw.org

This is an E7...

Drawing © Roland Ruesch

The F7 was a smaller version of an E7, or vice versa, how ever you wish to look at it. E-units were C-C or A1A-A1A trucked, where as F-units were B-B trucked. The E's had two prime movers in them, the F-units only had one. E-units were used for Passenger service (mostly), but the F's could be used as passenger, freight or both, depending on features and gearing.

BIG difference between the two is length...An E7 is a hair better then 71 feet over the coupler pulling faces, if memory serves me. The F7, in comparison, was a mere 52 feet and some change.

Hope it helps,