My first model.


I've printed the superstructure for the third time today (this morning) and still it isn't working out.
I don't even want to put pictures up of the mess that it turned into.

I'm gonna give it one more try and then I'm gonna do as I used to when I was still building plastic models.
In the past when a model didn't work out I used to put it aside and start something new in between.
Most of the times things worked out a lot better when I picked up the previous model after I finished the new one.
When I try to do the same thing over and over and it doesn't work I get frustrated and don't learn anything, a new project brings new skills and new insights and usualy give me a fresh start on the previous model where I left it.

I remember my plastic model of the Tiderium Shuttle, it was a big mess so I paused it.
Later it turned out to become one of my best models :)

So one more try on the printout I made this evening (the fourth), if it still doesn't work out I'll put it on pause and pick it up later again.


The best thing to do, is to just take your tiem with it.
As for your idea of setting a problematic project aside for a wile, and coming back to it later, is a good idea. It gives your mind a chance to reset itself and you are able to look at the problem with a fresh view.
Just remember, Rome was not built in a day.

Keep going, you will do fine.
The best thing to do, is to just take your tiem with it.
As for your idea of setting a problematic project aside for a wile, and coming back to it later, is a good idea. It gives your mind a chance to reset itself and you are able to look at the problem with a fresh view.
Just remember, Rome was not built in a day.

Keep going, you will do fine.

Excactly what I meant to say :)

I'm not giving up on papercrafting !! (no way !!)
It's just that after four attempts without the result I had in mind it's just good to get my mind off this. I'll be starting another model this week and when the time is right (or my skills) I'm gonna pick up the Venator again and finish it. The model is way to nice to drop.

Thanks for all your encouragments :)

How do I...

Hey, ShadowHawk!

Let me dare to give you a piece of advice. If you're trying to do something and on the fourth attempt you did not achieve what you wanted, then maybe - and this is ONLY A SUGGESTION - you should go to the "Tips, Tutorials and Tools" forum, a post a thread there.
You'll be amazed with what the skilled guys will tell you. AND they might have the answer to your needs. Just a thought from who has already used this resource.


P.S. Of course, leaving the project aside for a while a letting yourself cool down from it is always a good practice.:mrgreen:
I'm definatly not giving up on papercrafting :)

I paused the RSD though and started one of Paragon's Star Trek ships the USS Wanderer Class.
It's not so hard I think and the results are comming out good untill now.
If I have time I'll post some build pics later today in a new thread.

A question though.
I'm using 180gms paper at the moment but I think 200gms would be a bit more rigid even, is that advisable ?
Thing is, if I wanna buy 200gms then It'll have to be a 200 sheet pack and that's a lot to start with :)
the 180gms comes in 20 or 30 sheets.
I can also choose the 180 or 160 gms in 200 packs thoug, it's a lot cheaper per sheet then the smaller packs I just don't know what would be the best.
For certain parts I also have very large 1x1 meters 280gms sheets and 2mm thick sheets.

Another thing is, what to use best for coloring the paper cut edges, I use high quality coloring pencils at the moment but wouldn't waterpaint be better ?
I'm a little scared to use water on my models since it can deform the paper.

A question though.
I'm using 180gms paper at the moment but I think 200gms would be a bit more rigid even, is that advisable ?
Thing is, if I wanna buy 200gms then It'll have to be a 200 sheet pack and that's a lot to start with :)
the 180gms comes in 20 or 30 sheets.
I can also choose the 180 or 160 gms in 200 packs thoug, it's a lot cheaper per sheet then the smaller packs I just don't know what would be the best.
For certain parts I also have very large 1x1 meters 280gms sheets and 2mm thick sheets.

Another thing is, what to use best for coloring the paper cut edges, I use high quality coloring pencils at the moment but wouldn't waterpaint be better ?
I'm a little scared to use water on my models since it can deform the paper.


As a general medium for most models, I find 160gsm to be the best. It folds easy, doesnt delaminate and is generally strong enough for most designs.
As for edge colouring I use watercolour pencils or kids markers pens bought at the cheap shop (79c for 70!! )
I totally agree with DanBKing, I do the same, including edge coloring. For the Enterprise I'm building, I'm using 140gsm. For the Iron Man, I used 160gsm, and I guess it was because of the structure of a standing figure. It depends on what you're building.
I intend to build the fantastic Enterprise TOS by Ron Caudillo next, and will use the same paper thickness (140gsm) than the other one.
Please, post a building thread!
All the best,


P.S. The "skeleton" parts in the Enterprise needed lamination, but I think you've already seen that on my thread.
I use watercolors paints and a very small brush. Since you are only coloring a very, VERY small area, you don't need much paint. I literally only add a drop or two of water to the paint for several pieces. You can also custom mix colors to better match your surface color, as well as adding a bit of "cover up" weathering if you need to disguise a mistake.
Thanks for all the help guys.

I "stole" my son's waterpaintkit and tried some things, it works great and I will use it more often. I allready got me a nice set of watercoloring pencils (they're pricey but worth it).

Regarding the paper, I'll keep using the 180gsm on the model I'm working on now and then I'll have a look into the 160gsm. I like what DanBKing said about 160gsm not de-laminating, the 180gsm does sometimes and I'm afraid the 200gsm will do even more so.

Back to work.....
