More Faux Fur Grass


Oct 13, 2004
I have an additional web article on the development of faux fur grass.
This supplements the original with new findings.


Thank you if you visit
Yes Harold, an excellent how-to.:thumb::thumb: After your first article, I went out and bought some faux fur. I'm not ready to use it yet, but when I do, I know where to look so it comes out OK. :D Thanks.:wave::wave:
I seem to remember an article (don't ask me where) that I read when I first started thinking seriously about building a layout. It used faux fur, but instead of gluing the entire mat down, what they did was to pour a plaster base or use the plaster on hillsides etc. Then while the plaster was still wet they pressed the faux fur into it. When the plaster had completely dried they pulled up the cloth and strands of the fur that were embedded in the plaster pulled lose from the backing, leaving strands of irregular lengths to simulate natural grassland. They emphasized using very cheap faux fur so that the strands would easily pull lose. If you died the plaster an earth color before laying it I believe that this could be another interesting way of using faux fur for grasses.
Having sampled a whole lot of fur of many varieties in my possession I can't imagine the individual fibers pulling loose from the fabric. It is a clothing fabric and tends to be shed resistant.

Just a thought
Look for some really cheap fake sheepskin. The stuff I have has fibers about an inch long and tend to shed fairly easily. Harder to get them to stay in than come off. :rolleyes: Even if they don't come off evenly it simulates how grasslands have bare patches here and there.