Modelik Flower class corvette


New Member
Dec 13, 2005
It will be a while before I get to this, and I may end up skipping the kit altogether and going straight to a scratchbuild of a long fo'c'sle late war version (which I haven't seen published?) but I was wondering if anyone had firsthand experience with this design.

I have the 1:200 version, which looks like it must have been scaled directly from the 1:100 edition, as I can't see any other explanation for the number of tiny parts - 2026 on 6 sheets... I'm not suggesting that it's an impossible build, or conceding defeat before laying knife to (scanned and reprinted) paper, but I sure would like to see some photos of a completed corvette!

The 1:100 build over at kartonbau looks manageable, but that's the only finished version I've seen (not even publisher's model, which always builds confidence!)


I have both of these kits and they are fantastic things to look at, but the swarm of tiny parts are the reason I've been back-sliding towards using 'traditional' plastic model techniques, styrene sheet and rod, resin casting etc. I just can't see myself cutting these paper bits out accurately enough, in the quantities required, to do them justice. These kits make wonderful reference tools though, and I just love studying them; I love looking at maps too! Anyone else?

Tim P
The Corvette kit is pure intimidation....I've studied it numerous times and my only conclusion so far is that it is way to complex for me.

Hobby Lobby carries a line of markers by Prismacolor. They have 10 different shades of gray. From 100% which is the darkest to 10% which is the lightest. I have two of these 60% and 20% which I find is suitable for most ship models...

These are some expensive markers (about $4 each) but they have a broad tip on one end and a fine tip on the other. They're awesome. Be careful though. At the outset they have very wet tips, so bleeding can be a problem intially until you get them broken in a bit.
Awesome build! I have to agree with the earlier comments stating you are obviously not an amature though.
If it is worth anything, if this were my build i would have stopped after the pic of the first attempt at the crash mats and considered myself a complete success :roll: . Keep up the great work, and keep those pics coming!
Awesome build! I have to agree with the earlier comments stating you are obviously not an amature though.
If it is worth anything, if this were my build i would have stopped after the pic of the first attempt at the crash mats and considered myself a complete success :roll: . Keep up the great work, and keep those pics coming!
Boat deck

It looks as I remember it memories are a bit dim though its 59 years since I played on those decks.

Boat deck

It looks as I remember it memories are a bit dim though its 59 years since I played on those decks.

ship service


That would make me nearer to ninety when I said "played" I meant just that, I was 8 years old and had not seen my father for 4 years so the navy turned a blind eye to a hero worshipping kid and let me roam around "Nasturtum" to my hearts content, being a right bloody nuisance getting myself covered in paint and grease and trying to break my neck with the skipper feeding me more chocolate in a day than I had seen through the whole of the war.

I never forgot that ship and the hours I spent on her. If I remember rightly she was being done up to go to the Indian navy(but I may well be wrong). She was laid up on the river Dart at the time so everyday I got at least two rides a day in a landing craft through rows of MTB's, MGB's, Destroyers, Corvettes and even a light cruiser. Tried to join the navy for National Service but they threw me out for health reasons they even sent me a nice letter that I would not be required in peace or war grade 4 more trouble to my own side than the enemy I think.Not heroic but then I'm not, left that to the old man he had done enough for both of us plus the fact the family said they had enough sailors and fishermen without me joining in.Nearest I got was the cold war running the Missile Impact Predictor on BMEWS and at least then my opposite number was a Russian who I always felt was as interested in staying alive as I was. Pity it's all started again does nobody ever learn ?

I think your corvette is a Canadian version Nastutium still had an open bridge it must have been cold on the Atlantic. There are plans for her on the net I should build her sometime.
