Military Model USS Gambier Bay


Sep 26, 2005
Idaho Falls, ID
Model: USS Gambier Bay
Publisher: Military Model 1-2/2003
Scale: 1:200
Format: Hardcopy
Distributor: Hobby Factory

28 parts pages (16 heavy cardstock, 4 light cardstock, 8 thin paper). 16 pages of construction diagrams. Sufficiently detailed construction diagrams for all but the least experienced card modelers to successfully perform the build.... :shock: and man, is that an understatement. Construction aids are 3D-CAD-generated drawings, not just line drawings. Wow. Maybe, definitely WOW. The parts are printed on good quality card stock. Pages larger than A4, about 14 inches by 9 inches (I'm not expert on European sizes...this is A3, maybe?). Level of detail excellent. Model includes 12 TBM Avengers and 18 FM-2 Wildcats. :( However, aircraft are not provided with interiors, built-up engines and butt-prints in the seats :wink: (Scorpio take note...this kit still leaves you room for adding your special touch). No color voids, excellent color registration. Draftmanship excellent. Artwork very good, but with a bit of room for improvement (could stand a bit of shading and weathering to make it more photo-reasistic than cartoonish in style). Construction method is normal egg-crate. Full-hull is an option. Kit is presently available from most internet vendors. I've seen prices ranging from $27 up to $40 US. I purchased mine from Hobby Factory (see links section for URL). The model is frequently available on Ebay, but don't expect to get much in the way of a bargain price yet. I would definitely not recommend this model to beginners, and hazard a guess it will challenge those with intermediate papermodeling skills....however, the construction graphics are good enough that an intermediate modeler should be able to get through the build by thinking of it as lots of little builds rather than one overwhelming structure. :D Overall grade an A-, with a corresponding value-for-cost rating.

Instructions: A-
Paper quality: A
Level of detail: A-
Printing quality: A
Artwork: A-
Value for money: A-
Skill level: Skilled
Jim, I suspect the coin is about the same as a US penny. As I said, no cockpit interior and built up engine....but the folding wing parts are provided. I am truly envious of the building skills displayed in these links. Those who can't, become critics.
I kinda suspected that was the size...ever more amazing craftsmanship...yep, envious am I! There is even engine details incorporated in the build...a virtual gem in itself. :)
Like you suggested, view it as many little models incorporated into the final build. Really the best way to view any build of this size, I think, at least for me, otherwise it tends to become overwhelming especially if one is use to building a model in a weeks time or less. :shock:
Just beautiful work. I must try and keep an eye on that thread!
Thanks, Darwin! :D