merry christmas

Seasons Greetings

Let me take this opportunity to add to this thread with my best of wishes to all of you on The Gauge. Whether or not you cdelebrate Christmas, this is the season for peace and goodwill throughout the world. Let us all do our best to promote these somewhat elusive goals.
Merry Christmas Rich...

Merry Christmas Rich and all!

I see you're from Levittown. I usta wait for my dad coming home from NYC at the station. Loved standing on the platform (always came early, hoped he was late :eek: ) and daring the GG-1s to sweep me with their howl and roar :)

May the Corridor be filled with Joy.


Best wishes,

Love the display. Just wait, snow is on the way. If we are predicted to get up to 6 in then you will get it :D

Merry Christmas to all and my God bless each and everyone of you. Have a save one in you travels today and tomorrow.
Here is what Christmas will look like in mid- Missouri this year. The weatherman says there will be close to a foot of this stuff by Christmas morning. Oh JOY!!

Merry Christmas to each of you and I look forward to expanding our friendships here on The Gauge in 2003.



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Merry Christmas!

Rich - boy you were not kidding when you said 10,000 lights!


BTW - The weatherman is saying that we are to get 3-6" of snow by Christmas Day. Great for the kids, bad for me, I'll have to plow snow on Christmas. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
HO, HO, HO!!!

Well let me just say Merry Xmas to all:D I'd attach a picture of our area, but it's just brown dead grass!! Go figure! El ninio has really taken it's toll on us here in Alberta. (hey, at least I don't have to shovel:p :p )

Can hardly wait till Boxing day.... so I can see all the cool stuff every body got for Xmas:) :)

Take care every one and remember...

Friends don't let friends drink and drive:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Merry Christmas every one.

We're supposed to get 8" to 16" starting tommrrow afternoon. So looks like I'll be plowing most of wensday night into thursday.

Did every one call some one they love???

Bob Collins,
Keep feeding them birds they realy need it this time of year:) :) :) ;)

I have 100# of sunflower seeds stored in the garage and have made at least a half dozen trips outside to clear off a space to feed the birds, especially the four pairs of cardinals that come to my deck every day, both early morning and evening just before dark. This kind of weather also brings some of the other birds who might be more timid when food is more available, especially the doves.

We have a foot of snow on the ground and it is finally beginning to taper off. My shoveling starts in the morning, oh joy!! :D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Merry Christmas to all.

Christmas? Snow? Non-comprehende!! :p We've got about 28C (80F) today in Sydney. Gorgeous!! Prawns (and they're "prawns", not shrimp!!!) on the barbie, oysters, yummy!! And doing some "meandering through some of the better Australian Chardonays"

But poor Perth!! They've got 39C (104F) today. Bit hot, but never mind!

To all, have a great few days, indulge if you will, and may your New Year be full of TOOTin' times! :D