Matthro..Some regrets


May 14, 2001
Alberton . South Africa
announce1Lurking on Scratching and Bashing saw that Bigsteel was looking at building a Blast Furnace I remembered that Robin had one on his layout,so going back to the many photo's I had taken of his layout , stored on many floppy discs I still have, I found one and also photo's I had taken as stripped his layout. One regret is that I did not keep a record of who got what as his models were given away. So how about some pictures of where they are now. I could post some pictures that I have if there is any interest, I would have to resize them so it will take time.attached is the blast furnace picture and another after it was taken off the layout:cry::cry:


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Good idea! I know that many Gaugers got Robin's work, and some have posted pictures - notably willanand from Muskoka Ontario.

Once you are happy with the response, I can move the thread to Robin's section of The Academy.

Moderator for The Academy
I would really like to see who all got pieces of Robin's work. He was gone before I arrived on the Gauge but his work astounds and amazes me.
I would really like to see who all got pieces of Robin's work. He was gone before I arrived on the Gauge but his work astounds and amazes me.

Just to see some of the things that he did with a Corn Flakes box is incredible. The blast furnace has got to be a monumental accomplishment. We all followed that construction, waiting for the next piece to drop into place.

Jimmy, I am glad that you were able to get that shot. It would be nice to see where it ended up (hint, hint)
I remember when I first came to the Gauge and Robin was still with us, every day when I came to the Gauge I would go directly to the "Scratchin & Bashin" forum to see what his latest project looked like. I sure miss him!
Robin’s greatest gift, besides his stellar scratchbuilding skills, was his kind spirit, & enthusiasm…
He always was complimentary, & had words of encouragement for the rest of us “mere mortals”!
Thank goodness for guys like Jimmy, who went to great lengths to preserve his extraordinary work!
Robin’s greatest gift, besides his stellar scratchbuilding skills, was his kind spirit, & enthusiasm…
He always was complimentary, & had words of encouragement for the rest of us “mere mortals”!
Thank goodness for guys like Jimmy, who went to great lengths to preserve his extraordinary work!
Gotta agree with you there Drew. Someone could post a pile of rocks and a piece of track, and without hesitation, he'd tell them that was a great start and couldn't wait to see more. He was an inspiration and a read gentleman, that's for sure. That's why we have one section here devoted to his work. He'd be pleased to know that someone was such a good steward of his work. Thanks for keeping his memory alive Jimmy. :thumb: :thumb:
I just spent a while looking back at his work and especially this blast furnace build in the Archives. That construction itself was great, but the adjoining coke plant made it even more impressive. Jimmy, were you able to get photos of his entire empire before you dismantled it. If so, would it be appropriate to post them as a tribute to a great modeler and scratch-builder? I would like to see how he fit them into the MAT.
...Someone could post a pile of rocks and a piece of track, and without hesitation, he'd tell them that was a great start and couldn't wait to see more....

Yeah...I think the pile of rocks & the piece of track were mine! :mrgreen:

No seriously though, I dabbled with that cardboard a couple of times, but I could never get the hang of it! He did AMAZING stuff with it! I seem to remember a through-truss span he built that was like 400 scale feet long! :eek: And it was made entirely of CARDBOARD!
I'd be interested to know if you were able to salvage that bridge, Jimmy...???
(I get to gloat a little bit here, 'cause he named that bridge for me...he was the best! :thumb: )
Even though I was never able to scratchbuild things as well as he could, one of the things that Robin inspired me to do was to build my models & my layout to be make it my own...His entire layout was was a total product of his imagination & skill!
While I never was able to match his flair for it, it's kind of what I've been grasping for ever since!
While I never got to meet him in person,I feel very privelidged to been acquainted with him here on these forums...
The layout I dismantled was in a state of construction, Robin had torn down his previous layout and was constucting a three level mushroom ,it was operational but not scenict so a lot of his buildings were not in place. The Bridge.....thats one of the regrets,I dont remember who got it,I only have a picture of it in place. somehow I think someone in Pickering Ont. has it,so hopefully those who have bits will post some pictures I intend to post some pictures of the first layout


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Having been one of the lucky ones to meet, and spend some time with Robin, my heart is warmed by the reminder of his skill, and general decency. Meeting him, is one of the things I count in my life as a blessing.
Thankyou for keeping his memory well.