Making new money with trains.

Renovo PPR

Just a Farmer
Dec 23, 2006
Somerset County PA
I can’t count how much change the great PRR and B&0 turns into cool flat circles. The strange fact is that I haven’t done it since I was a kid. I loved to put as much change as I had in my pocket on the tracks so the large diesel could make them into water skippers.

[FONT=&quot]So how many of you have placed some pennies of nickels on the tracks?[/FONT]
Oh yeah...... I remember doing that a lot as a kid at the Old Thresher's Reunion in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. They had an old steamer that circled the grounds and a couple of trolleys as well. The game was to see how many times you could let a single coin get run over before it ripped like paper.
I have a couple pennies and one nickel that I had put on the tracks, maybe close to 20 years ago now. Haven't done it since, though I have been wanting to for a while