Made in Yugoslavia?

Runs With Bears

New Member
Dec 23, 2006
Hey everybody i think this is the right forum.. i just got hold of a Santa Fe diesel locomotive that says it was made in yugoslavia and i was wondering if anybody could identify it. I googled it and came across a link that im pretty sure is EXACTLY what i have, just in much better condition. The link is..

and there is a picture and brief description included. The train kinda worked before but made a clicking noise -i dont know if it was supposed too- and i would like to fix it if it is possible. I think i just need to clean the motor but i cant get the body off... if anybody could give some advice for this (although it is a very simple thing it is Very difficult :eek:ops: ) and maybe a diagram of it or something, like a manual, that the manufacterer produced? I think i may need to do some complete upgrading of the locomotive but i got it for practically nothing.. if it never works out it could be a great dummy :thumb:

Thanks for the help! :)
That should say AHM, and theres no way I'd pay $60 for that engine alone. They are strong runners, but details left alot to be desired for their Diesels.
As for the engine noise, and dissassembly, look on the bottom of the engine for some screws, move the trucks back and forth and see if they are hidden under them. Once inside, pay close attention to the drivetrain, in case an OOPS happens. Sometimes the drivetrain has plastic parts that degrade from age, and prob cant find replacement parts for. Check the drivetrain for stability and secure components. Clean any hair, lint, built up dirt off the worm gears and motor parts carefully. Check the engine, with the shell off, for any more noisy components. Once your satisfied, reassemble.:thumb:
Yea i wouldnt pay $60 dollars for it either... luckily i got it for $11!:thumb:

Thanks for the advice too.. im gonna see if i can disassemble it right now and clean it up a bit... there is some corrosion on the wheels and brass electricity conducters.. (im not sure what they are called but they give the engine power).

Also.. a new problem has arrised.. it almost smells like the plastic is burning and i think it is shorting out on my track... ill hopefully see whats going on once i open it up though..

Thanks again!
Thanks for the link LongIslandTom... too bad i cant get on to it. It says i am forbidden and cannot go on to the server or something but ill address that issue later. I think i found my main problem with the engine. There is a large metal block that the wires connect to in the middle of the train and it needed to be screwed down. I dont know the purpose of the block and i cant screw it down for some reason. I think on the underside of the train a screw is missing but im not sure. Any advice on what this large metal chunk is and its purpose? also do you think a screw in the bottom would fix it?

Thanks for any future advice! :)
well sorry im signing off for the night.. ill check tomorro for any left advice and give you any information you need about the loco to give me a better answer

Thanks again for the help i think i almost narrowed down the problems
Yeah I think no longer allows direct linking... In that case, go to , then look under Literature, and select AHM. Under the Rivarossi panel, select Diesel locomotives and look for the RS-2. That should let you look at the instruction sheet.

As far as the metal piece goes, I can't say since I don't have that engine. But it may possibly serve as 1) weight to give the engine traction and 2) conductor of current to the motor.

If you get tired of trying to get that old thing to work, maybe you want to consider a new locomotive.. Good locos, albeit no-frills, can be had for cheap these days, like Athearn's RTR Superweight F7As for $28 bucks apiece.
It is probably forbidden because the referal url is coming from and not their website itself.

Go to their website itself and copy n paste the link into the address bar, or just follow the links that tom said..
AHH!! :curse: I have (had) one of those weak, puny units! :curse: It can't pull well, and the communicator split(!) on mine, siezed and CAUGHT ON FIRE!! :eek: (NOT KIDDING) I would avoid this @$%## locomotive at all costs, and if you wish to own an RS unit, you can buy an Athearn, they last FOREVER, and their new release RS-3 is a beaut!

Here's where you can check out the roadnames:

Here's a less expensive place to get one!

Here's a testimonial by a new owner:

Not trying to sell you the athearn RS3 sign1 I just want you to be happy with your next locomotive purchase, and if you like Alco RS units, Athearn is the way to go! (or Kato!)

Hope this advice helps! :)
Thanks a lot Tom, that link you gave me was really great. It at least showed me what I had to do to put it back together.

Haha thanks MilesWestern.. this is one of those locomotives that seems like it actually could catch fire! :eek: I probably will gean athearn or some other better quality loco in the near future. I usually buy steam, but i saw this locomotive for so cheap i just threw it in with my purchase. Ill go put it together and test it now, but make sure to have the fire extinguisher in hand:D !!
I'm not saying $11 is nothing, but cheap enough for a lot of learning. Take it apart, little by little, check, test, whatever. This will let you learn what makes them tick, and pretty soon you won't hesitate to open up more expensive or new ones.

That's how I learned. Cheapies with not much to lose.

Just to add to what Miles said, Atlas also makes nice Alco Rs & Rsd models. The original Atlas models used Kato drives, the newest ones have adrive from Austria I think, but they are nice models as well.