Loupa's Lumber Co.


Active Member
Sep 25, 2002
Butler, Kentucky USA
This started out as an HO Scale Barn Kit.(by accident as I model in N scale) I highly recommend this Company which in not far from where I live, they make all scales and are promising to make more. The kits are really nice. The Company's name is Mountaineer Precision Products. You can visit their web site at www.mpp-models.com
Ok, the accident of buying the wrong scale turned into a good thing for me as I wanted to model another lumber company. It was not to much of a problem converting the HO barn to the N scale lumber yard. I will not explain the changes except to say it was their #104 barn kit. The following Pictures should tell the story. Oh, and look for the inner tube in the dead tree!!
There are 7 (eeks) picture to follow so be patient.
Thanks Jim :rolleyes:


  • loupas1.jpg
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Very nicely done a conversion to be proud of and thanks for the website it's a new one for me. Now that you have your scene built how do you get it to blend when you place on your layout?
Do you carefully mark down all the colors that were used on the ground?
Very nicely done a conversion to be proud of and thanks for the website it's a new one for me. Now that you have your scene built how do you get it to blend when you place on your layout?
Do you carefully mark down all the colors that were used on the ground?
2 very dumb brothers go into Loupa's Lumber. The one brother asks the salesman "can I get some 4 by 2's?". The salesman says "we only carry 2 by 4's". The one brother talks to the other and comes back. He says "Okay, we need 200 2 by 4's". The salesman asks "how long do you want them?". The one brother talks to the other and comes back. He says to the salesman "we need them a long time, we're building a house".
I havn't started my layout YET, but, the layout will be a shelf of 2ft wide at the narrow (most) part. I am building in diaromas of 2ft by -- and lay each side by side when modeling. I have a plan in mind and plan to lay them out on the layout when I start. I did this years ago on an HO layout and it worked for me pretty well with few changes. This gives me room to keep doing what I like and save the hard suff for last. Hehe. I enjoy the building and the scenery part of the hobby and at the same time I can build up my engine, freight and so on as I go. I freelance my road (this is the 2nd of the same line in different scales) the WC & T RR that interchanges with the L & N some where in the 30's to 60. And some where in my neck of the woods in Kentucky. :rolleyes: :D :D
But I have fun this way.
Excellent work, Jim!
Man, you just keep churnin' 'em out!
You do some of the best painted-on signs I've ever seen!
:cool: :cool: :cool:

I'll have to check out Mountaineer Models, since I do get up there in your "neck of the woods" from time to time!:D
Jim I find I'm also enjoying building structures but now I have so many that I can't fit them all. I want to be able to start putting it together but my color palate doesn't seem to match.

Great work Jim. I love that rusted old roof, the crane, and that ladder on the side of the shed is an inspired detail.
Thanks for the link - I had not heard of that company. Their stuff looks very nice - will add to my bookmarks!
