Lost in Space Re-boot on Netflix


Active Member
Mar 9, 2018
Anyone here a fan of Lost in Space? Have you checked out the re-boot on Netflix?

I;m not finished with the series yet but like with most re-boots everything got a redesign. New Jupiter, new Chariot, and new Robot. The story has also been tweaked which gives characters like Maureen (The mom) Judy (Eldest daughter) and Penny (Youngest daughter) actual parts in the story other then just prepping meals and picking flowers.

Without spoiling it for those still wanting to see it, its good to see the Robinson's are more like a normal family with normal problems and conflicts most of us have in our lives today.

I'm curios as to what you guys think?
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I don't have Netflix, and will not pay for such things. I thought the previews looked promising. I doubt Netflix will be able to cay the series on their own and hope it will come to the SyFy network. It does look interesting though.
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It's more like the space Robinson family comic with Lost in Space stirred in thinly. If it goes 5 seasons they might get it right.
Haven't started watching yet but will. Netflix can definitely carry the series as they have a large amount of content they generated. If they want it to die rapidly, send it to SyFy. SyFy has had the rare good show, but for the most part they are amateur hour. That channel is where they train up-and-coming program directors. Each youngster takes over and manages content. If they ruin it, they try something else. If they succeed, they get promoted in NBC. The drastic changes to their programming is staggering. I remember when they went from scifi shows to unscripted (so-called reality) shows. It was terrible. All the good programming they have on file and rarely is it broadcast. Total shame. That's why I like amazon prime and netflix. I get it when I want it for as long as it is available. And no commercials of stupidity for sale!!! End rant. For now. Where is Barbara Eden? Oh, there she is.
With a recent $650o dollars in tree damage, I don't have deep enough pockets for anything. Oh well. :)
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We had severe wind damage on trees here too. A Tornado touched down in North Carolina also.
Haven't started watching yet but will. Netflix can definitely carry the series as they have a large amount of content they generated. If they want it to die rapidly, send it to SyFy. SyFy has had the rare good show, but for the most part they are amateur hour. That channel is where they train up-and-coming program directors. Each youngster takes over and manages content. If they ruin it, they try something else. If they succeed, they get promoted in NBC. The drastic changes to their programming is staggering. I remember when they went from scifi shows to unscripted (so-called reality) shows. It was terrible. All the good programming they have on file and rarely is it broadcast. Total shame. That's why I like amazon prime and netflix. I get it when I want it for as long as it is available. And no commercials of stupidity for sale!!! End rant. For now. Where is Barbara Eden? Oh, there she is.

I have Amazon Prime but it seems everything I want to watch has a an additional cost to it. It ticks me off
With a recent $650o dollars in tree damage, I don't have deep enough pockets for anything. Oh well. :)

We had some extensive tree damage around here as well. People have branches stacked up on the edge of the street everywhere. Tons of fences were damaged as well. Its a mess
I only have Netflix ... dumped everything else and watch what I want when I want... which is 1 or 2 times a week ? Haven't checked out Reboot as yet.. have a hard time sitting through most movies or finding the odd 60-90 minutes of time to spare.. but will put it on the list...

Seems like the winds hit everyone! No real damage here, but mounds and mounds of tumbleweeds the size of VW's that will take out a set of sliding glass doors easily! Like snow drifts, slammed into the house, 10 feet deep and up to the roof.. but with thorns.. flying in the vortexes and disintegrating till there is a layer of sticks and seed like a carpet of tumbleweed straw 3-5 inches deep.. and already little green shoots appearing.. one good thing.. most of the really big ones in the back forty aren't there any more.. well at least until the wind changes direction and they all come back.. fence line is completely covered!
Perosnally, I believe it is best not support these services and have our entertainment come to us the way it has for the last 50 years. The stations/syndicates, have all been given more bandwidth. Every time someone signs onto one of these services, they are shooting themselves and everyone else in the foot. IMHO.
The way the networks and pay per views try to fleece us for every cent is just ridicules as it is obvious; like that cartoon of two lawyers walking down the street trying to pick each other's pockets. No one is throwing their money around, and what they do pay is tightly locked up, like that story of the fishermen who said the fishing is so poor even the Liars aren't catching anything.
I've got a secret way to catching a lot of these pay TV series and long movies without intermissions. Wait a year or so and the DVD set turns up at the public library. When the over-air stuff starts thinning out this time of year, I just start watching those. They even have a library-connected online movie service, though I've not tried it yet. I also try to stop in the library for some good ole fashioned book reading as often as I can, too, of course. The only problem with this system is that some titles in movie series are missing. I guess I'm going to have to go to Redbox for Batman v Superman (worst of the DC flicks so far?). I like to catch series in order, but don't care when.
I can copy any DVD or Blue Ray made and burn it back onto a disc. Can't go into that here, as it is beyond the scope of this forum, but I have backed up all my favorite movies. When I go motor homing, I bring the copies, that way if something happens, or they get stolen, I don't lose the originals. I also bring my 30-30 Model 94 Winchester to discourage any theft. Being my residence while I occupy it, I can transport that rifle and a pistol to any part of this country. I do not have to disclose anything, and a search warrant would have to be obtained to search my Motorhome, and there had better be probable cause. Speeding or any other minor traffic offense is not enough. Drunk driving, which I never do, well those guys got whatever is coming their way, and whatever they are driving should be searched. Motorhomes really are your home on wheels. :)
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