Look what I found

:eek: As if cats on the layout weren't bad enough!!!!!! :D
Guess I'll put up with the MN snows and mosquitos if the alternative is critters like that!
His friend, this gila monster was lurking about in front of our house a while back. It is a small one, but still deadly if it bites you.

I also think it likes spiders....:rolleyes: :rolleyes:



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  • gila.jpg
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I was giving some thought to moving down south, but maybe I ought to rethink about MN or Canada!!

Actually, it's the one you don't see that git ya!!


Always loved trying to remember to shake out my boots every morning to be certain I wasn't sharing it with a scorpion. Such lovely creatures. Copperheads and water moccisans are about the worse thing to git ya around here.

I'm still laughing at my wife's horrified expression when she saw this pic!:D :D
She has a huge phobia about arachnids and goes by the philosophy that the only good spider is a dead one! I try to explain to her all the good things about them but she won't hear any of it!

Matt--Hershey, Pa.