Logging - need picture of clear cut

Bill Pontin

Oct 14, 2001
Milford, CT
Visit site
Working on my NTrak modules and I am looking for a large picture of a clear-cut hillside. I want to photocopy it and use it as a backdrop in my logging theme. Anyone know of a source?
Hi Loudmusic, I did the same search both on Google and Ask, but nothing as you say I could use. Went though all my Timber Time magazines, several looked promising but I would have to blank out the camp, loader or engine that was featured in the foreground. I guess the library might be my next search, thanks for responding.
Bill, I'll be out Bird hunting this week and i'll bring the camera along.
What type do you need?
Rolling hill li understand but if a fall/winter type photo wont work its too late here in Northern Minnesota.
Can you use 1/2 a hillside?high on the left to low on the right? or vice versa?

Clear cuts we have in Plenty............knowing The look and layout you want is the hard part ;)
Tileguy, WOW! thank you for your offer. I had not thought of doing a fall scene. I am basically modeling the Northeast and any remaining stands I would prefer conifer over deciduous. I'll attach some pics of the two modules, I plan on covering most of the mountians with large pine stands and I wanted a backdrop on either side to show a distant clear cut hillside.


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Wow, that's going to be really nice. Am I seeing a possible connecting section between the top and bottom tracks?
Have you considered painting the backdrop? What sort of clear-cut do you want? Recent - with all the slash still sticking up all over the place? Overgrown? Newly regenerated?

Some of the contemporary clear-cut photos will not really go with a logging railroad, as the "modern" clear-cut with skidders and so on chewing up everything may be too new for Shays and Heistlers and logging with railroads.

Ziltch with both the Milford and Stratford libraries. Giving up, and will take another route. I will create the clear cut havoc on the right module and use a background of old growth forests.
Mason Jar - I will show the destruction with spar tree hauling, even plan on having an oxen team pulling out some timber. If there is room enough I would also like to depict the Sessoms system with a track running 45 degrees up a hill. Have so much I wanted to do but not enough module space. There will be a small independent mine in the hillside to your left, nothing of size just some old cogger's dream of striking it big.

Loud Music - yes I am switch-backing a single line up from the Blue line to the mountain division line. I had all this is mind when I bought my Atlas Shay engine a year ago.

Basically trying to make the module as educationional as practical.

I agree that spar-tree hauling is also very destructive and messy! However, it must be hard to find suitable pictures of that method to that are suitable to use... :(

Do any of the historical societies or logging museums have any good pictures? I am guessing that some of them may be in B&W, which is not overly helpful as a backdrop...

I am heading out today so will bring along the camera..........Seeing your modules helps but I will try to take a variety for you.
I'll post them here in a smaller form and if there are any you like i'll Email you the full size files..................In the age of the Digital Camera taking a few pictures just isnt all that difficult and I happen to live in an area thats seen some heavy logging in area's with hillsides the last few years so I'm happy to help if I can.................If you have a photo program that will give mirror images you may find it helpful............In other words, if the slopes not right but the picture will work otherwise, the mirroring or reversing effect may give the proper slope angle.

Be back later!! :)
Some photo programs have this option I know. :)
Bill, i must apologize..........shortly after i posted this I got a call from my Dentist...they had a cancellation and could get me in.................so i had to forgo my hunting and run in to the dentist for a ROOT.........(i cant even say it without shivering)
Needless to say i wasnt in a traipsing through the countryside kinda mood after leaving there.
I still intend to however when i get the chance.

In the meantime, not sure what kind of google searches you did but some suggestions other than searching just clearcut
Logging + Clearing
Logging + Slashing
Logging + Cut over
Logging + New growth
Logging + cleared
Logged hills
Logged valley
Old Highline + Logging
Logging Chute

Sometimes thinking outside the box helps...............not everybody with a camera knows that a logged over area is called a clear cut and some have thier own regional terms (ex: Slashing)
I'll post pics when i get them. :)

Greeting from Northern Virginia. I've been lurking on The Gauge and following your progress on these ;-)....not the same as viewing them up close in your basement, but better than nothing.
Those new mountains are looking good sir!
I take it the two tunnels on top will be the Mountain Division or green line?
Once the trackwork gets underway, I hope you post some teaser photos with the Shay, Climax & those skeleton cars.

Hope all is going well up north...say hello to the rest of the club for me.

Best Regards,
I have to chime in...if you have ever seen pictures of what loggers used to do in the old days...if anything, a modern clear cut is way too clean and nice looking if you are trying to compare it to the way things used to be done. Logging practices have changed a lot since the steam days...and if anything the new equipment has less of an impact on the ground than the old steam equipment did.

Jeff Moore
Elko, NV

MasonJar said:
Some of the contemporary clear-cut photos will not really go with a logging railroad, as the "modern" clear-cut with skidders and so on chewing up everything may be too new for Shays and Heistlers and logging with railroads.
Reference Summits comments about early day logging, there is a big difference between todays clear cut management practices and the cut and run philosophy of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Here we go, getting into the era thing again. What time period are you modeling?
Oops! another belated thought. If your modeling contemporary logging, you need truck roads on your mountainside and no trains.
Looking on modeling the late 1800s early 1900. Do not need the picture of a clear cut anymore, gave up and decided to go another route. I will show the mountain on the right clear cut in all it's ugliness. Stumps, ya I got that" - made a mold of several stumps and will cast up a hundred or so of them.


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While I was in the mold making mood, and since I needed two I, decided to make up a timber tunnel portal. I made a model and one inside support wall from styrene and poured a mold with them.


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Summit said:
I have to chime in...if you have ever seen pictures of what loggers used to do in the old days...if anything, a modern clear cut is way too clean and nice looking if you are trying to compare it to the way things used to be done. Logging practices have changed a lot since the steam days...and if anything the new equipment has less of an impact on the ground than the old steam equipment did.

Jeff Moore
Elko, NV

Eras, techniques, time of year, everything is up in the air...! Oh wait - up in the air - what about helicopter or dirigible logging... ;). Horse logging, skidders, selective cut, clear cut, slash... winter only, year round, flumes, roads versus water versus rail transport... :rolleyes:

Bill - you might be further ahead just painting a backdrop that suggests a clear cut, but not with too much specific detail... NIce portal by the way! :thumb:
