It's FRIDAY 2-11-05, weekend modeling plans!


Gauge Oldtimer
The weekend is upon us once again. What does everyone have in store for this weekend?

For this weekend i am just going to sit back on not do anything train wise. Have some things to take care of around the house and my mom is coming in for a visit so i will not be on here that much this weekend.

:wave: Have A Safe & Wonderful Weekend Everyone :wave:
First, I have to track down a new starter for my old dodge since the old once is whining more than it's starting the engine. But other than that no plans except on the layout.
My Design Preservation buildings came in the mail yesterday but before I start working on them I have to finish my meat packing plant and possibly re-lay a short section of track. After that I'll start to assemble my warehouse on the harbour front using the DPM modular pieces. It looks like it'll be fun!
I need to work on finishing several more of the 10 ore cars that I started scratchbuilding a few weeks ago. Have all of the brass frames built, need to add the carrier boxes, trucks,wood deck, and other details, then paint them. have 3 completed, 7 to finish.

I haven't decided what I might do if I get the time, don't know if I have to work yet.

I started working on the 18 Stewart hoppers I have to assemble but I don't have the right color red to paint the weights ( The Rustoleum Primer is too light ), anyone know a match or close match for these hoppers, mineral red I presume. Just thought too, I don't have the couplers either, well maybe a trip to the LHS is in hand first.
Might tackle a Proto Tank Car kit instead. We will just have to see.:confused:

I will run trains, that is a must. Just broke in a Atlas S-4 and I have a few more locos to break in. -:thumb:

Hope everyone has a great weekend!-:wave:
We have the usual assortment of my son’s soccer game, my daughter’s basketball practice and game, and the grocery shopping. I am also trying to shake this cold (but not the flu) bug I have had for the last three weeks. If all goes well I would like to finish the trees and foliage on the Passenger Station Diorama. I would like begin painting and assembling the Rixx highway bridge I have for the diorama. I also have a LNE boxcar I would like to weather.
I have no perspific plans for this week end, the wife used her power of veto on the meeting of the board of the FRRR,:mad: SHE refuses to do the BBQ. :D besides she wants me to take her out and about, :( so thats it for me......maybe next wigend,:thumb: shruth bloody sheellers...have a good one...I wont be:cry: :cry: ...steve
My benchwork was delivered today from Sievers so I'll be assembling that this weekend for the new layout. All the new track I need won't be here till Tuesday, so that'll be next weekends project :)