It's been a few minutes........


Oct 5, 2013
Just wanted to say Re Hello to all. The past several months pretty much took me off the forums and away from card modelling, or ANY kind of modelling for that matter, save for a few times I checked in briefly to see what was new and read a couple posts that I could fit in on the go.
It's been pretty busy, and even still with my schedule having changed since i've returned to work, I now no longer have a nice full 2 pm to as late as i want to work on personal stuff time frame to have a personal life.
I'm now working a 2-10 pm shift, which as anyone who has a swing shift knows..... it severely cripples an effective and productive personal life.
With that said, I will try to be more productive and as regular as time allows here. Thank you all. Happy Modelling all. :)
I am glad to hear that you are doing well and that everything is OK now.
As for working swing shift, I fully understand what you are going through. Been there, done that. With that being said, I hope that you will still be able to pop in more often (even if it is to just say "HELLO".

Once again welcome back. You have been sorely missed!
Thank you kindly Rhaven....and likewise is true back to You and the whole group here. You all have been sorely missed. Even as i write this now, I am cutting it short and have to go get my big boy pants on and get ready to join the world of working people. I will be back in short order and until then i wish you all well and a great day. :)
Very nice to hear from you. I worked those hours for almost 10 years. I have never adjusted to "normal"
sleep hours, but on the other hand, I can sleep whenever I need to. :)
Hey Zathros, great to hear from you. Yes...The swing shift is not my 1st choice. Last August when I was hit by the car on my bike and my foot run over, It put me out of commission for about 7 months. I was pretty active here at that first few months, but then as the Christmas season came upon us, I got really busy with that stuff, and in January, or rather in the first part of Feb, I got back to work finally, but my schedule was now different. I no longer had the really awesome M-F 6 am to 2 pm shift, which got me home by 2ish, and then a full 8-10 hours or so of "do as much of whatever i want or need to get done"
Swing shift , as you all know, pretty much takes that productive time down to a fraction,and can get pretty dang frustrating and dare I say angering, when you see things you NEED to be able to tackle and the time it taskes to do those things, constantly not being able to be utilized. I am however SUPER thankful to still have a job, and that they were gracious enough to hold it for me after 7 months.
I know of very few places that have that kind of faith or patience with employees. They could have easily found a way through the loophole of letting me go , circumventing the legalities of dumping someone because they were injured or laid up in a hospital, but they didnt.....and within this last month I even got a bonus with other employees, so I would say God has me covered with Grace and Mercy big time, and I'm SUPER thankful.
It's great to be back and hear from you and everybody. I hope you all have a great week. :)
God is great. Think about it, We're talking about God, so how could God not be great! :)
God is indeed GREAT Zathros. I have so many examples I could give from past several months. Thank you ALL for being great people. :)