Iron Man Mk. VII by Julius Perdana

Front and back side of the hip / pelvis. Leave the lower half open to insert the pelvis center piece.


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Mistake #2: Parts 9 & 10 are too long. Cut off the last segment.


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Glue the outer shell to the center piece.


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Thanks for visiting...

Hello, Revell-fan

Thank you for visiting my thread. You are doing such a great and better job, mainly in the step-by-step assembly! I have to warn you: the legs are tricky, specially because (if I'm not mistaken), it doesn't show that part 61 goes inside part 60. I had to make a hole on the latter, otherwise, the leg "bone" would be too long, and leg asssembly wouldn't come out right.
Once I have figured that out, everything went fine. As a newbie, this model is hard for me, but I'm sure you won't have any problems with that.
I won't race you to end the model...sign1sign1
Keep up the good work!:thumb:
Thank you for re-paying the visit! :thumb:

And thank you very much for your tips. Your insights serve me well. I'm just starting on the legs and will post all my findings here (including the leg issue you mentioned). Anyway, this is a great model and I am glad that such a superb designer as Julius has tackled it. These mistakes are no tragedy. You always have to keep in mind that it is a free model of a very high quality, and the issues can be solved. And if anything fails, you can print the parts in question again and give it another try.

CU back in your thread! :wave:
You guys are doing a great job. You bravery in posting these models is envied by me! :)
Closed hand

I wanted to continue the build with the legs but since our fellow warrior Rogerio Silva has announced to make the closed hands I felt it necessary to give him (and the other builders) some advice here.

When you attach the fingers as proposed by the plans the fingers will stay in a very weird position. To avoid this you have to turn the palm upside down and then attach the fingers directly to the inner side of the palm, not to the marked areas on the outer rim. This will cause them to really close.

Attach part 45 to the former outer side of the palm (which now becomes the inner side).


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One major disadvantage of this procedure is that the texture at the rim and the former inner side of the palm have to be recoloured / retextured. I'll simply glue some recoloured pieces of paper to the areas in question to correct this and to cover the damage up which was caused by ripping the wrongly attached fingers off.


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Nice one!


I think we could almost call our threads "team work"sign1. You have made a very well-explained assembly, and we both have found out some mistakes in the model, but, as I said, the model is so great, that you might get lucky enough to get a way to fix it (or get away with it!:mrgreen:). I know, I have already used that (sad) joke in my thread.
Today, no posts, as I am helping a cousin in Math, with great pleasure. So, fellow warrior, I wish you all the best, and I'm following your thread with great interest.
I bid you farewell, fellow knight, and let us not fear all the models that are out there!sign1:p
So say we all! :thumb:
And may the glue be with you! :mrgreen:
Another one


I don't know if you're already there, but I'd like to share this with you, because I have made this very same mistake twice (how stupid can I be...wall1). In the inner thigh, you probably would like to glue piece 17 to 58 BEFORE you close the latter. And trimming the superior back tab of piece 17 will provide a nice fit in place.
Piece 16 is wrongfully shown as number 17, so you'll have TWO pieces with that number.
Finally, piece 58 has holes on only one side for the shaft, you'll need to punch the other side in order to pass the shaft along it.
I hope it helps!

P.S. If you're using PVA glue and make any mistakes, maybe this will help:
Thanks again!


Thanks again for your visit in my thread. I noticed I forgot to comment on one thing, if you haven't got there yet: the piece that covers the back of the knee (I think it's number 47 of the third part) is too big, and maybe you'll need to trim it.
It has three tabs on each side, but you'll only need two (unless I've done something wrong). I saw LOENF's thread (already quoted), and it seems he had the same problem and solved it the same way, by his photos (AMAZING JOB, BTW). If you need it, I can post a picture.
Thanks and good luck!
Thanks for pointing that out. I've seen Loenf's build; he is THE master of diorama. I've picked up my IM again and will soon post my progress. CU!
Hi, Rogerio! Sorry, but my allergy kicked in again. So Tony is on hold till my sore throat is better. I've switched back to the hangar bay and have started texturing the unfolded modules. I'll post some progress pics asap. CU!

Hi, Rogerio! Sorry, but my allergy kicked in again. So Tony is on hold till my sore throat is better. I've switched back to the hangar bay and have started texturing the unfolded modules. I'll post some progress pics asap. CU!

All righto then, sire! I hope you get well soon... And I have seen the hangar bay, it's HUGE! :thumb::cool: