Inherited layout Ideas?


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Feb 14, 2004
Indianapolis IN USA
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I just inherited this layout from my uncle. He is switching scales. This was done in Nscale. I like the track plan but I would like to change it some. I would like to add a yard. I have pics of this layout also. There is not much room left on the current layout. I can expand on the front of the left side. I do not want to make it much deeper in the middle due to the fact it is already 30" deep and that would make it hard to reach. This will be against a wall.I prefer modern and I really like Pennsylvania/ohio/indiana area. Thanks for all of your input!


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making it modern

what radius did he use on the curves? if there is much 9-3/4" radius curves, a lot of long modern equipment will look bad, really long equipment (like Amtrak passenger cars or 80' container flats) may risk uncoupling in such a sharp curve.

I would suggest, if you are doing modern (1990s-2000s), to remove the turntable and place the yard in that area.
The turn table has already been removed. There is some smaller radi 9 3/4 (the turn just above the coal yard on the pic above.
I like smaller modern like gp40 gp38 type loco.
If I built the yard in place of the turn table wouldn't that be breaking one of the commandments of yard building?
I am planning on adding on some realestate to the layout.
cswrench said:
If I built the yard in place of the turn table wouldn't that be breaking one of the commandments of yard building?
From my study of yards you should be OK. You aren't fouling the main, you have a throat, and you should have room for the A/D track, yard lead, body and runaround. Add the service area as space and desire permit.
Don't hold me to any of this though, as my knowlege comes from layout design and not (at least for the present) from actual hands on experiance. :wave:
cswrench said:
The turn table has already been removed. There is some smaller radi 9 3/4 (the turn just above the coal yard on the pic above.
I like smaller modern like gp40 gp38 type loco.
If I built the yard in place of the turn table wouldn't that be breaking one of the commandments of yard building?
I am planning on adding on some realestate to the layout.

you should be fine.

a small stub yard should fit in that area nicely.

GPs will manage the 9-3/4 curves fine. most things will manage the curves, but anything over a 50' car will look *bad* doing it.
Eliminate the lead to the Turntable and all trackage that is a part of it.In the top, remove the right turnout to Siding 2.Add a turnout just past the ice house to use as a yard lead.This gives you the entire Northwest corner of the layout for a through Yard.
Now, if this were a Beer ad, somebody woulda just yelled " Brilliant" :D
Here is a pic of that area. The only problem I amy see is a little difficult to get to when decoupling cars. There is a hill just in front of it all. I do like the ideas!!! Thank you!


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Looking at your actual track, I'll suggest a simple 3 or 4 track yard. Fill in the hole for the turntable, and start the yard there. Use one of of the two long tracks to use as a yard lead, like you see in the pic I attached. Add a crossover to the other track and it can be an A/D track.

This is about 3 feet long and one foot wide, starting with the turnouts. It has a 4 track yard and a 2 track engine stall. It should fit easily in the space you have, though it might start a little left of the picture, It will hold about 20 cars at 50' each, plus two engines.


  • smallyard.gif
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I will second the thought on a through yard.The stub end yard in most cases is not worth the hassles.You see it blocks your locomotive..You will need to add a crossover for engine escape or back in your yard or back out of your yard to head in the other direction and who wants to do that? :confused: :(

Better still is a open ended yard(through yard) where you can enter the yard for either direction without the hassles of backing in or out to your main line.Plus you can work your yard from either end which is another plus.This type of yard is preferred by advanced layout planners.
CS asks:If I built the yard in place of the turn table wouldn't that be breaking one of the commandments of yard building?
Indeed not at all! You said you like GP38s and GP40s..Good! With these units you will have no need for a turn table as these are bidirectional units..Also recall the real railroads has removed most of their turn tables as they are no longer needed with diesel locomotives.
Comment:One of the most common layout designing errors is that layouts need turn tables.Turn tables and stub end yards is old school thinking that should be dismissed as outdated layout designing with the exception of using steam locomotives then of course you will need that turn table..
As far as yard "commandments" I will suggest you file those under "T" for trash can as I would like to do with the bozo(s) that came up with those silly commandments who more then likely never built a layout or knows anything about real railroads in general . :eek: :mad:
I was more concerned that the yard would be on the back side of the layout. meaning you will have to reach over things to get to it. I like the idea of a yard back there. I had thought of putting it there but was concerned with the practicality of it. thats all. Thank you again for all the suggestions this is a great board!
Yes.A yard on the back side of a layout that can not be reach can present problems in the event of a derailment and I will guarantee that will happen regardless of how well your track is laid.Perhaps it would be better to reroute your main line and bring your yard out farther if possible to at least a comfortable arms reach. :D
That area will be 32" max away from me. There will be a bridge spanning the distance in front of it. I think I would work but may be a hare to far. The layout is 40" off the ground and I am 66" tall. It is a close reach but not a stretch. I can stand flat footed and reach it. I will have to keep it low in front though! :D
brakie said:
Comment:One of the most common layout designing errors is that layouts need turn tables.Turn tables and stub end yards is old school thinking that should be dismissed as outdated layout designing with the exception of using steam locomotives then of course you will need that turn table..
As far as yard "commandments" I will suggest you file those under "T" for trash can as I would like to do with the bozo(s) that came up with those silly commandments who more then likely never built a layout or knows anything about real railroads in general . :eek: :mad:

Depends on your prototype Brakie.

I am doing an old time layout at the Yard at Orangeville was "the end of the line" therefore it was a stub end yard. Also I have set my era as 1880-1900, therefore all steam and a turntable is a must.

My comment would be if you want a "good" operating session, use stub end yards as it is more work/fun getting a train assembled, while avoiding the through trains on the mainline.