I apologize for my absence.

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

On Sunday, the 23rd of this month, I was taken into the Emergency room at my local hospital. I was diagnosed with large blood clots in both lungs, my heart and both legs. I was quickly admitted to ICU. I stayed there for a week on blood thinners and under close observation. The blood clots were reduced to a manageable level.

I am now home, recovering (still on blood thinners and O2, until further notice). I will be popping in and checking things out when I can. I will resume building again, once I feel stronger and can sit at my work station for long periods of time.
I haven't posted in this thread as we have been in contact off of the form. You have nothing to apologize about. Get better and get moving. Movement is the best way to avoid clots, though having been sliced up the middle makes standing very painful. I had thay surgery. Everytime someone told me to "move" I muttered obscenities under my breath. It's really tough but you have to walk around the house. It's to damn cold to walk outside and getting bounced around in a car doesn't feel good either. Small steps, many times.
Today, I just spoke with the surgeon that conducted the hernia surgery. I no longer have to wear the abdominal binders. I can now focus on strengthening my abdominal muscles and regain my stamina.

Now, I will be returning to the SATURN project (as well as other build project)!