I apologize for my absence.

Rhaven Blaack

Staff member
Jun 12, 2009
Greetings to all and to all HELLO!

I apologize for my absence from the forum. As many of you know, I hade pancreatic cancer (back in 2016). Surgery was used to remove the cancer (as well as a few other organs). However, in the wake of the surgery, I ended up with a few secondary health issues, one of which, is having my abdominal muscles separate and receding to either side of my body. Which made it to where only my back muscles were doing all of the work to keep me upright and functioning.

So, on the 7th of this month, I went in for a full abdominal reconstruction and hernia mesh implant procedure. Originally, the doctor was thinking that the surgery would take anywhere from 8 to 12 hours (depending on how much work really needed to be done). Fortunately, the surgery only took five hours. I stayed in the hospital until the 14th. I am home now recovering. I am OK now, and feeling better. I still have staples in my abdomen (as well as an abdominal drainage tube. Which should be removed on the next doctor's appointment). I still have a few follow-up appointments. The total recovery (before I can really think of returning to a normal level of functionality) will be about 6-8 weeks. During this time, I will be popping in the forum to see how things are going and focusing to regaining my strength and functionality. Sometime next week, I will be returning back to the Saturn (to finish it out).

I am sorry that I did not post anything while I was in the hospital, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, I was not allowed to have my cellphone (or any other electronics) in the room.

Once again, I apologize for my absence from the forum. I also apologize that I did not mention anything about it earlier (i.e. before the surgery). The reason why I did not, was because of the whole COVID-19 issues, my appointment was being changed on a day to day (and sometimes hourly) basis. I really had not clue as to if it was really going to happen or not until they called and gave me the "GREEN LIGHT". With that being said, I will keep everyone updated on my progression and how things are going.
Great to see you back, bro! :)

I hope you are making a speedy recovery. :)

due to COVID-19 restrictions, I was not allowed to have my cellphone (or any other electronics) in the room.
Now this is interesting. Either they did not want the phone to catch any virus (which is very prudent of them ;) :biggrin: ) OR you have been kept at a secret medical or governmental facility in reality, maybe even located on a spy plane flying sky-high, where they have conducted various experiments and upgrades on you... So, I may speak it out loud now once and for all:



(Often small hints lead to a greater truth. :toast: Josh Gates trying to uncover the true story of Rhaven Blaack's disappearance...)

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Glad to know that you are doing better RB. Praying for a speedy recovery for you.
Glad to see you back!!! As a Facebook friend I knew when you went in, and have and will continue to, keep you in my prayers.

I am happy to hear you are recovering, and I know how those staples feel. 3 lower back surgeries, and all the staples and stiches... Erggghh
Glad to see you back!!! As a Facebook friend I knew when you went in, and have and will continue to, keep you in my prayers.

I am happy to hear you are recovering, and I know how those staples feel. 3 lower back surgeries, and all the staples and stiches... Erggghh
Thank you sir!
Yesterday, I had a doctor's appointment. Everything went well. The drainage tube and the staples are gone now. There is a section that I about an inch long that did not seal properly. However, the doctor gave us gauze pads and tape to cover it whilst it heals. I am still using the two abdominal binders (for the next six weeks) to insure that the tissues bind properly to the mesh. I have to back in every 2 weeks for a checkup, to make certain that everything is healing properly.

I am moving around more freely and without pain as well.