how many is enough?

so what you guys are saying is i should keep going even if the layout will be all locomotives in every siding lol
so what you guys are saying is i should keep going even if the layout will be all locomotives in every siding lol

Why not rotate those surplus engines and cars? That way you don't need to use the same engine unless you are modeling a short line with very few locos..

What I have done over the years is "cull" out the cars and locomotives that I bought on a whim or those that no longer fill my needs..
I saw an interesting question posed recently on another forum that sort of ties in with this one. It asked the question of just what percentage of HO models (in particular, locomotives) go to folks in the following categories, a) those who are simply no-questions-asked collectors and will probably never run them; b) those guys without any current layout but supposedly acquiring equipment for some future dream layout (and will such ever be built?); c) those bought strictly for speculation/re-sale purposes; d)folks with currently operational layouts who will at least occasionally run their new purchases, although they don't fit the layout's actual scheme and finally; e) those guys who logically buy to reasonably fill out the needs for the basic and logical roster of their model railroad, be it freelance or prototypical.

Judging by the comments the question returned and my own experience, it would seem that at least 90% go to folks in categories "a" through "d" and probably less than 5% to those in "e". This would almost certainly have to be true just to explain sales of all the very large steam, or diesel locomotives offered in recent years, as few hobbyists have layouts either large enough, complex enough, or with curves broad enough, to make such use reasonable and logical. Admittedly, a decided majority of my own hobby acquaintances do fall into one or another the initial categories. Makes you wonder just what is the true basic nature of our hobby, doesn't it?

Why not rotate those surplus engines and cars? That way you don't need to use the same engine unless you are modeling a short line with very few locos..

What I have done over the years is "cull" out the cars and locomotives that I bought on a whim or those that no longer fill my needs..

I do both of these, especially the culling part. What I thought were deals or neat finds, often really weren't. Sometimes I foolishly buy items that don't fit into my layout (time period or region) or were of questionable quality but looked like deals at the time. On the other hand, I also regret selling some of the things I got rid of! :eek::curse::eek:
I saw an interesting question posed recently on another forum that sort of ties in with this one. It asked the question of just what percentage of HO models (in particular, locomotives) go to folks in the following categories, a) those who are simply no-questions-asked collectors and will probably never run them; b) those guys without any current layout but supposedly acquiring equipment for some future dream layout (and will such ever be built?); c) those bought strictly for speculation/re-sale purposes; d)folks with currently operational layouts who will at least occasionally run their new purchases, although they don't fit the layout's actual scheme and finally; e) those guys who logically buy to reasonably fill out the needs for the basic and logical roster of their model railroad, be it freelance or prototypical.

Interesting thoughts. There is probably a lot of truth here. My previous post (about "culling") usually applies to things like freight cars or coaches. However, I usually plan my loco purchases more carefully because they cost so much more. And, when I do that, I believe I fall into category "e", although I admit I do fit into "d" a little! :eek:ops: I run all of my locos at least occasionally. For my "e" British layout (generally based on SW England in the 1950s/'60s), I'd say I run my British locos quite frequently.
No layout and more locomotives than you'll ever really need?

Perhaps explore kits a little bit more. Perhaps pick up a few books.
A nice progression would be something like this:
-1st an athearn diesel
-2nd an MDC locomotive (one of the old kits)
-3rd a Stewart or a new Bowser locomotive
-4th a Railmaster or Bill's Train shop locomotive

Try the same with freight cars....or maybe build a La Bella passenger car kit. Building an MDC 2-8-0 and a La Belle combine would make a great little park display on a future layout.

A couple of the best books out there are John H. White Jr's American Railroad Passenger Cars and American Railroad Freight Cars. It'll open all sorts of doors to interesting railroad cars you never knew existed...and help you to become a better modeler in the process.
I do both of these, especially the culling part...On the other hand, I also regret selling some of the things I got rid of! :eek::curse::eek:

That is me for the most part. My hobby is a nostalgic trip anyway, just something I've enjoyed for years in a variety of forms. I've become that which I greatly loathed years ago, the collector who has way more than I could ever run, mostly shelf queens that sit around looking good but seeing very little run time. My consolation is that most were exceptional bargains or freebies that needed TLC. I really don't spend alot and am only getting more frugal as time goes by.

From time to time I will take a long, wistful look at my fleet and carefully dispose of a piece or two, but only if the flame is gone. I too have sold a piece only to regret it later, so these little "yard" sales don't happen very often and not without careful thought.
Why not?

"Too much of a good thing is not enough". I don't know where the quote originated, but it sums up my stable(collection?): New England-biased with Maine Central, Boston & Maine and Bangor & Aroostoock power and rolling stock, EsPee and DRGW from the West Coast, plus DMIR and various odds and sods from wherever. Plus the brass locos...

Run what you think suits, and ring the operating changes every so often if the power is from different statss of the Union.
I've always taken a train-by-train approach, where the locomotive is just one vehicle of a train. Hence with my Deustsche Bundesbahn Epoch IV branch, half a dozen traction units seems "enough", although I keep adding wagons to the freights... by taking this approach, it allows me to have diverse interests without breaking the bank. Rogue elements do still creep in, such as a BR601 TEE for the German, or a coal hauling loco for my British stuff that doesn't feature coal operations, but this are exceptions, and I don't mind them!