HMS Hood - scaled down Halinski 1/250



Hood has a top and bottom formerand a crossed (+) former inside all formers are doubled up because you will put quite a bit of strain on them. The plating should be on medium card, mark the centre line on the inside, roll it into a circle and glue, set aside to cure, deform the circle gently with your fingers and drop the bottom former inside diagonally then gently push it down with a dowel or pencil and if necessary sand the former till it just fits. When you are happy apply glue to the inside edge of the plating and push it home, drop in your cross former and then gently ease in the top former checking that everything lines up with the centre line you marked. A little white glue eased into the edges with a toothpick finishes the job. If you join the plating with an internal strip remember to leave a gap top and bottom for the former to fit in. Hope this helps.


Thanks for the kind words Jim.

Hood bow


That's most of Hoods bow section done in fact it's most of it done but it will drag on for days with ventlators but only one ladder left.

I added the blast bags using kitchen paper and white glue and i triad to make them look typically" saggy".


Hey, Barry, your blast bags came out looking really outstanding!

I'm curious what type of paper it is that you used; what is "kitchen paper"? Is it similar to tissue? Or is it a bit stiffer than tissue? They came out great, whatever the paper is that you used.

Keep at it on the little stuff, mate! :wink:


Thanks, it what we call "paper towels"? That is rather course in the more popular brands (some with prints!?!) but there are cheaper brands that might fit the bill.

Something to keep in mind for the future! Thanks again!


Hood last of the card building bits

There is probably no good reason other than I got a halfway decent picture and the armour belt is back in place. I have built 99.5% of Hood apart from finding a couple of square vents and 6 windows on a strip somewhere among the pile of offcuts I created by not knowing how to scale down properly thus creating twice as many bits of paper than I needed. Anyway I can light a bonfire with the leftovers. The rest will take forever and the idea I have for the rails will probably set the whole thing on fire anyway. Providing the ship survives I will fit the main derrick boom last.

These are for the record.




as you can't see these anyway, if you are interested try these but if you use 56k don't blame me if you think it's more euroland egoism.

This ship is more overwhelming quantity than a quality build.

Hi Bazzer

Very, very nice me old mate.

She does look the part and then some :D

Can't wait to see her with all the rails and rigging finished

Keep at it

Hood rails

Hi All

Not starting anything new so it's add a few bits to Hood time. More or less got the first lot of pins in straight this time I shall put the glue on the thread rather than the stanchions. It's a looooong deck this time.

You can have a rest now I'm off for a cheapo holiday in Cornwall.



Hood rails cont

Hi All

Changed tactics a bit I glued steel pins into holes in the deck using a couple of bits of plastic as guides one to chop to the full length dip it in superglue, push it down quickly, put the rail height tube over and push the wire down to the right height using something flat, then pull the tube off before the glue grabs it. I worked PVA glue into black nylon sewing thread and did not put any glue on the stanchions. I managed to get three strands on reasonably well. Some of the stanchions are still a bit on leaning side. Sorry about the pic but it's dismal and the rails do not show up too well, I suppose that might mean they are somewhere nearer scale.


I keep knocking the bollards off.

Hi, Barry! :D

I'd say you've about mastered the art of making deck rails. The latest photo shows excellent work on the railing. I know it's a bit of work, but the results are well worth it from the looks of it.

Great going, mate!


more rails

I think I might finish by Christmas still cursing because of forgetting to put the holes in first. I have been using a lancet needle to make a pilot hole then a pin but it's still a bit nerve wracking not putting too much pressure on to make the holes. Especially the ones on the bridge complex.



Hood progress

Hi All

more or less finished the rails next stop rigging and masts. Hood is getting rather battered she is just a bit too big for me to handle easily. I think I have knocked off just about everthing on the bridge doing the rails. If you ever build this one consider leaving the torpedo bulges off until the end they catch on everything.

Looks impressive from a distance because of the sheer number of bits

the pics are about 99k if you are on 56k modem.





ps there are about 250 holes needed for the rails

Hi, Barry! :D

As always, a very brilliant set of photos of a very awesome build!
The amount of work and time it has taken you on the railings alone is staggering...but wonderfully carried out.

Looks like you are on the home stretch, mate!

Looking forward to more photos and updates when you can.

Hood masts and extension spars

Added the odd shaped bits and pieces to the bridge structure to carry the rigging lines and stepped the upper main mast along with a fairly complicated set of spars under the upper platform, but it does not show up well. If you look hard you can just make parts of it out, Also added the searchlight platform stanchions in the middle of the picture.

Then more holes to punch into the decks, it will be nice to cut cardboard again I think.




size about 96k

Man, that is one whole bunch of pins. If your luck is anything on cutting them, about one end goes flying off into the carpet for every five I cut....your work area must be a barefoot-free zone hazard area. My wife insists I stay with the photocopied transparencies. You might try an Xacto pin drill for making the holes....lots less pressure on the finger joints. Takes a little longer than the brute-force technique with the pointy objects, though. Rigging that thing is going to be a bit of a chore, but you've demonstrated you have the patience for it. Good looking model.
Hood crosstrees

Hi All

boredom time again for once my camera decided to take some kind (flattering) pictures in spite of my incompetance so .................... but they are ridiculously big so they are off site


There are actually 260 approx pins in the railings. I got round the flying debris by cutting them inside a plastic pen offcut stops the bits flying away.


A sort of insurance policy against me dropping the soldering iron on the decks whilst doing the rigging. Thats the reason for some of the boats being skewiff need to take them all off for some hand room.

The reason for Eskimo being in the picture is one day I would like to make a diorama of her bunkering off Hood I found a great picture on the net. I shudder to think of the size of it though.
