Hey There

Thought I'd introduce myself on the forum here, kinda stumbled upon it while looking for railroad forums, seems like a great place.

I currently do not do any physical modeling, so far in the apartment I'm confined to simulators. Hopefully in the future when I finally get a house I can get started on modeling as I have wanted to do for many a year.

I live in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, my main interest if you haven't already guessed is Railroads, have been pretty much obsessed since I was a wee lad in the 80s.

Recently I have found an interest in Railroad photography, on a professional level my pictures aren't very good, but they make me happy, so in the end that's all that matters :mrgreen:

Well that's about it for now, any questions let me know!

Hi good to have another Manitoban aboard. I live 30 miles east near Anola, Manitoba. I am modelling the GWWD that has its yard in St. Boniface.Hope to see some of your pictures soon. Ron
Don't let being in an apartment stop you from trying modeling. Modeling and weathering rolling stock, dioramas, or small shelf layouts can be quite portable :) My current layout is 3x6 feet and has survived several moves!

I second Kevin's motion. A small switching layout on a shelf is exactly the solution. There are some good sites on the web with info and track plans for smaller layouts. And a smaller shelf layout could be incorporated into a larger layout once you get the space.

Welcome to The Gauge.
well then, I think that means you are entitled to say "no" to one of her requests :)

The only problem I have now is...N or HO!

Welcome to the Gauge!:wave: Ah yes, the age old question. Whichever you choose is related to a number of things. HO is for people who wan more space than O, plus is the cheapest of all the scales I think. N scale is if you want the longest possible trains and more track in less space, but the engines and cars for N aren't cheap.