

New Member
Jul 2, 2013
As directed by an administrator, i have been advised to introduce myself. My name is Sid and it's nice to meet you all :thumb: I used to build things since i was wee as i never had enough toys to satisfy my greedy self. This hobby was unfortunately put on hold for many many years due to the place i live in (where i still live) and shifting houses for many years to come.

Recently having been afforded some stability, i began once again. I build stuff mostly out of everyday things as professional tools and equipment are beyond my reach. And paper-crafting is something i have discovered more or less very recently. A technique I am working on is to use the paper plans as a base and then work with other materials to suit my needs. Learning how to better use the stuff available to me. Anyway, enough talk, allow me to show you some of my newest work.

I hope you like my work, the APU is still unfinished, it took about four months to get where i am with it and now i want to build something else to take a break.

That is all for now. Thanks for having me and glad to be here. :wave:


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Hello and welcome to the forum.
Your models look FANTASTIC!!! I (especially) like the Akira Bike. It does not look like it was built from paper.


If you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice. Please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help (even if it is only pointing you in the right direction).

Once again, welcome aboard. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Thanks. The bike from Akira is mostly made from paper, but the wheels and the hub caps were too off for my taste so i fashioned the hubs from a two part epoxy we get here to seal leaking pipes and the wheels were made using plaster of paris. the seat was scratch built using a type of pvc foam board and handle bars have a string wound around them to simulate grips. the rest is paper....mostly.

the apu is again a combination of paper, pvc board, and toothpicks. yes toothpicks.
Welcome aboard and Nice works keep posting good picks like these.
Nice collection. Is the motorcycle your design? Nice looking bike. :)
Hey Zathros. Thanks. No the motorcycle is the one from the manga/movie Akira. It's a iconic piece that someone had transferred to a paper model and on which i improved upon a bit. Else it would have looked like this, which i did not like at all. The only this that the model is missing is a clear canopy which i'm still trying to make/find.


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I agree with Rhaven and the others about the Akira bike...nice
and the look is realistic. However, the last robot is insane. Are your
eyes okay? Holy cow, talk about detail....
Wow, that's great! Nice to have you here! Welcome to the forum!
That Akira bike is wild! It would be great to have the files. Would you be interested in uploading them? (kind of direct, it's just that you really did a nice job on it). :)
Thanks guys, it's nice to be among such talent. :thumb:

Zathros, Sure i have no problem uploading. Which version would you like? I edited my version to have custom decals and excluded a lot of parts in the final build such as the wheel, hubs and stand. I custom built the seats and the central console and used references to make them more accurate. Many of the parts were made smoother with filler and sanding. You will come across many issues i found during this build, notably in terms of accuracy and some ill-fitting parts.

I'll include the original as well so you have a choice. The original is labeled "AkiraBike" and instructions are "AkiraGuide". My version is simply titled "edit2.1". I can't seem to find a link to where i got it from but original model credit goes to Brad Tate.


  • AkiraBike.pdf
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  • AkiraGuide.pdf
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  • Bike_Stand.pdf
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  • edit2.1.pdf
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