It's shocking to see that there are still some people who do not know what happened on Good Friday and Easter. That applies to Christmas as well.


source: http://www.schechingen.de/site/Schechingen/get/params_E-650133256/14538354/osterbrunnen01.jpg

This is an Easter fountain, an old tradition in South Germany. Every year around the Easter time the local fountains are decorated with colourful eggs. The reasons for this are unknown. It is said it was a way to pray for fresh water in waterless regions. Today the fountains have become tourist magnets. Did you know that church bells are supposed to remain silent between Good Friday and Easter in South Germany? This is due to the fact that it is a time of remorse and mourning. Children would walk through the town with wooden rattles telling the dwellers the time for the next mess at the church. :)
I have been fairly quiet lately because, in Feb, my Dad was told he had 3 months left because of cancer. Chemo didn't work so they tried a fairly new immune therapy. It is working well and the cancer on his liver is retreating. The doctor calls him his surprise and said he has no idea how long he has left and that's a good thing.

So, instead of spending Easter in hospice, my Dad and I went to visit relatives we don't see a lot. We had a great time doing some shooting and eating some good turkey. I had a lot to celebrate along with spending a lot of time talking to my Savior.

I have been fairly quiet lately because, in Feb, my Dad was told he had 3 months left because of cancer. Chemo didn't work so they tried a fairly new immune therapy. It is working well and the cancer on his liver is retreating. The doctor calls him his surprise and said he has no idea how long he has left and that's a good thing.

So, instead of spending Easter in hospice, my Dad and I went to visit relatives we don't see a lot. We had a great time doing some shooting and eating some good turkey. I had a lot to celebrate along with spending a lot of time talking to my Savior.


First Off, Really Sorry to hear your Dad had to go through all this, I have been through this with several close family members... I sucks!
Second;!!!! Hurray...Much better news... I hope all is well and the immune therapy continues to do its work!!!! Thoughts and Prayers to you and your Dad/Family!!!
I'm happy for both of you and the rest of your family. Those moments are precious and may never come back. Enjoy the time together. :)
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I have been fairly quiet lately because, in Feb, my Dad was told he had 3 months left because of cancer. Chemo didn't work so they tried a fairly new immune therapy. It is working well and the cancer on his liver is retreating. The doctor calls him his surprise and said he has no idea how long he has left and that's a good thing.

So, instead of spending Easter in hospice, my Dad and I went to visit relatives we don't see a lot. We had a great time doing some shooting and eating some good turkey. I had a lot to celebrate along with spending a lot of time talking to my Savior.

I am sorry to hear that your father has cancer. I personally, know what it is like to go through that. I fought a 6 month battle with pancreatic cancer (and almost did not make it). However, I am very glad to hear that your father is making a strong recovery! I hope that your father wins this battle. Both you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy belated Easter to both you and your family!!!
Keep spreading the word. Our Savior has shown his image to all people's of the Earth. Some worship him by a different name, I am Christian, but only God know's a person's heart, no mastter where they are or what they call him. That being said, May The Creator of all things bless everyone! :)